
That’s the thing - story being told during several sessions, each is around 8 hours long and we have at least one month between them, so I can’t really make “wandering threats”, cause every session is one closed story with some overarching storyline. I would had to move Clementine to the top and tbh I don’t want to do

At the moment my Hunters are in St. Louis taking on one Deva vampire with quite large organization backing him up. This organization is supplied by Sarah, potentional Goddess of Sold Love, who I am preparing for my other group in this shared universe. Mages are able to take on godlings, Hunters are good only against

Clementine was the best. The voice, the acting. I loved her. I am trying to think of a way to introduce “Clementine” into RPG I am running for one of my pen-and-paper groups. The problem with such completly evil and crazy NPCs is that you can use them once. And with personality they have they will have to take a shot

Thanks. Have to found those damned disks. And fuck I am old.

Her speech patterns and how to write them are actually from 80s, those were some fun comics...

I dont think it was some specific battle. There are events (or were, when I was younger and had free time) in Czech Republic, that are called after specific battle - most famous is Battle of Five Armies, but there were also Battle on Pelennor fields and some more.

I am so jealous, I just dont have cash to fly over the ocean and get there. Just not feasible. I will be enjoying Championship in my home. It was fun last year, so I am looking forward it very much. I would love to get another hot finale like the last one.

Czech republic.

80 pounds is certainly not restaurant meal for two. Maybe in UK, but not around here. I can get really good meal (with starter and desert) for two people around 25-40 pounds. And 40? Thats like going to some top restaurants. I get normal on burger in our pub that brews it own beer for 4 pounds.

THANK YOU. You send me to tubes for quite some time.


Is there anything more, Luke? Did Paradox guys said something more? I neeeeeeed to know. I am going to have other of our LANs with booze and EU4 today. And if I am going to show off new trailer I need to know more or my girlfriend will murder me in my sleep. She is very very eager for our biweekly LANs.

Thought I personaly don’t like Game of Thrones TV series (my reasons = I’ve read books when they came out and I can’t be shocked or suprised by events, I loved the world descriptions, story not so much, so TV series is losing what I like and making more of what I don’t like) I would love to have Dune TV series from

It’s not “fascination” it’s because one of the most old stories in the world we know about is story about Gilgamesh. It is prototypical hero’s journey, from start to the end.

Thanks, Fahey, I’vejust lost 2 hours watching Mekah Dee’s videos with those OSTs... damn you. I don’t want to play FF14, I don’t have time to play that excelent game, that shining gem of MMO goodness, that... DAMN YOU!

Those ships are dead. They are wrecks from the previous giant battle on the map, you can go look to Youtube for it. It was shown as tutorial map (before the battle took place) in trailers from CCP.

I have really big memories for original Mirror’s Edge... I shed tears. Not one. Multiple tears. So I was whelmed as well.

But Yen is snob and fake. Just there was something that happened in Yen and Geralt’s past that made them together and they will always find way to get be with each other. And part after few months or years, cause they can’t stand each other again. And they will repeat that until they die. It’s just who they are.

I always thought, that MW2 SP campaign was one of the best action movies I’ve ever seen. It was tense, it had calm moments, it had nerve wrecking moments and moments of pure joy. It was FUN 6 hours ride. Just fuck you developers for killing Ghost. FUCK YOU. I was so pissed, so pissed I wanted to hunt those guys down

That is same as if you linked Cowboy Bebop OP... just cheating:)