
So, so many good C&H dinosaur related comic strips, I just couldn’t decide. It was between this, and the time he made footprints in the snow to resemble a T-Rex.....which I may have done as a kid.....And do now, that I have two small kids of my own....

Like many children, I went through a dinosaur phase.

can’t wait to go to a game store and—

Well that’s one depressing premise.

I have a 2017 Galaxy S8 and for the first time ever, I let a two year cycle go by without upgrading it.

I have a 2017 Galaxy S8 and for the first time ever, I let a two year cycle go by without upgrading it.

Maybe they could fix the well-documented (based on several forum threads about it) issue of poor ram management that causes constant micro stutters to the point of being unplayable on even capable systems. Playing on even the lowest settings is ineffective in preventing this for me. I don’t have a solution and it

Barney to Lisa: “Go back to Russia!”

Excuse me, Bart Gets an F and Bart’s Dog Gets an F are two different episodes.

The reading of “Aubade” was very stirring and drew some very interesting thematic parallels with this episode. I loved it.

I didn’t think the (many) deaths were the most shocking thing this episode delivers:

I honestly can’t tell if you’re referring to Kissel or Henry lol

I really tried to get into LPotL because people I trust love them.  I like some of the humor, but the one really screamy guy was just too much and wasn’t that funny to me. 

I’ve seen this twice - about twenty years apart - and even after the second time I had no idea who was even doing the killing.

I watched this a couple of nights ago and I completely forgot who the killer was. What a letdown the reveal was. The red herrings are pretty fun actually, except it lasts like a scene before they’re killed. It would have made more movie fun if the teens were getting picked off one by one as the list of suspects grows.

Loved the episode, love where it’s (seemingly) taking us.

“Highest elevated stress levels in a movie theater.”

Goddamn, has it been 20 fricken years already?!”, I’m thinking, but it hasn’t, because the first movie didn’t premiere until 2001.

I would watch Catherine O’Hara read a phone book. She is wonderful. 

You missed a step. Before paying off any debt, you should develop a budget and stick to it. Knowing exactly where your money is going is pivotal to paying off debt. Once you have all of your expenses laid out in front of you, it’s easy to see where you can make cuts and figure out how much extra you can put towards

Black love saved the world, and a Black woman became a god.”