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    Shit, that was my favorite phone I’ve ever had with the swappable battery. Unfortunately someone had dropped it and cracked the screen. I decided to fix it on my own, but ended up hitting some part of the antennae while I was fixing it, making it unusable.

    Shit, that was my favorite phone I’ve ever had with the swappable battery. Unfortunately someone had dropped it and c

    Same, I got a used S8 two years ago anticipating that I’d buy a new one at this point since I saved a bunch of money on it, but there really isn’t any reason. I still get at least a day’s worth of battery even without the power save on.

    Same, I got a used S8 two years ago anticipating that I’d buy a new one at this point since I saved a bunch of money

    It’s possible you just won’t like it, but give them a few more shots if you see them talking about topics that interest you. Henry takes some getting used to.

    I agree, I don’t get the hate.

    I was the right age to see if a few times, but I never really put together who the killer was and what the explanation for his killing was.

    Just saw Vivarium and I’d give it a good review because of its length.

    Check out the documentary Andrew linked Behind the Curve. They’ll perform their own experiments, it’ll come back with results that prove the earth is round, so they’ll ignore it and move on to the next experiment.

    Now playing

    This is a few years old now, but I just came across it and it was delightful. I had no idea that she and Paul Reubens were these characters.

    That movie was surprisingly good. Watched it in a weird small theater, which only seemed to enhance the uneasy creepiness vibe throughout the movie.

    The only other one that has given me the same sense of satisfaction and desire to revisit the series was Legion.

    Just catching up and watching the finale a few days later and I couldn’t agree more. I’ve rewatched it twice and the 2nd season was great the 1st rewatch and even better the 2nd.

    I’ve heard a lot of good things about Hollywood Handbook over the years, just never got it the few times I gave it a shot. Then Jesse Farrar was on and I gave it another shot just because I’m a big YKS fan.

    Rudd is always fantastic but adding in the wonderfully satisfying crack of the plastic when he opens the bottle makes it one of the most enjoyable memes I’ve seen recently.

    Usually these ‘I was watching this game with my grandpa’ stories are great, especially with baseball, but for some reason I felt nothing reading this one.

    Your first paragraph explains it better than her statement. But I’m assuming she can’t just come out and admit that they fucked up and bought the wrong seats since that isn’t a quick fix.

    Damn, that one got me.

    I’m not in IT, but it was this joke that made me realize that most people just love talking, hearing themselves talk and I can just ignore it.

    I absolutely agree. I was really into hip hop at the time, but it wasn’t until the replay of the episode that I really was able to appreciate the musical guests. They were really good.

    I was always disappointed when the musical guest started on The Chappelle Show because that meant the show was over.

    Our school passed around the urban legend that someone had put razor blades in that cannonball slide years before we went. No clue why we needed to up the danger of that place with tales like that.