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    I’m a smug idiot? You just said Kyrie Irving doesn’t give a flying fuck because he reacted awkwardly to a reporter who asked if LeBron James was a great father to him. That is a stupid, awkward question and Irving reacted to it as professionally as possible.

    I didn’t think this situation could get dumber than that reporters question, but congrats, you did it. This question would’ve been stupid in any generation.

    Adrian Murrell

    Pretty sure she meant a peeling as in taking the shells off eggs.

    You might remember him from such characters as Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz.

    [bong bubbling]

    Master Blaster

    Whenever Brian McCann catches himself having a sense of humor, he has the batting practice pitcher bean him the next day.

    Well we have come to realize the NFL cares more about something if it has balls.

    Seemed like they were messing around saying they were going to give him the opposite of what he wanted.

    It’s pronounced “La-apostrophe-el”, right?

    Kind of ironic but in the sports world “ironic” can be used to describe anything except something that is actually ironic.

    I’m impressed with how terrible this list is. I’m not saying Jets fans aren’t awful, as a Jets fan I have first hand experience and for the most part we are awful. But man, you could come up with some better examples than this.

    I want a Kahuna Burger and a Sprite to wash it down so badly when watching that scene. Both look fantastic.

    Put some cheddar dusting on it and you’ve got yourself Pirate’s Booty, I could easily eat a pound of that.

    On Deadspin, a SB Nation blogger has a name, his name is Mat Gleason.

    The secondary characters are so awesome. I don’t know why it took me so long but after multiple viewings I finally realized the brilliance of the Andys.

    ...I’d take the concussion. Absolutely, no-brainer.”

    I don’t necessarily need an outcome change, I just ask for a Beltran swing in the 2006 NLCS.

    Of course the league is short of cash, look at all this 50 year anniversary of the Super Bowl swag they needed to pay for. Including two 18 karat, 33 lb, gold '5' and '0' to go along with this year's Lombardi trophy.