
In all fairness, Mayweather never disclosed that he has a dislocated Frontal Lobe.

And by people directly involved with the case they mean: VP - Community Relations, VP - Public Relations, General Counsel, Director of Pro Personnel, Assistant Director of Pro Personnel, Director of College Scouting, College Scouting Coordinator, Clark and that one guy in the hotel parking lot who didn’t see nothin’,

She is full of shit. She is co-opting their brand to increase hers. There are not a whole lot of brands out there that allow that. Especially without an agreement. Would the NFL allow reporters to broadcast practices on a weekly basis? You can pick nits but, in the end, it’s the same concept.

BillyBucks5Hole has it on good authority that the reason Winston is not going is because he has been told that he will not be drafted by Tampa. Book it

Greg Howard posted a lengthy exposé like Moses took a little walk in the sand. I don’t mind long articles but fuck that was long

Happy to see you here more often

Redundancy is strange

Why is Deadspin promoting Jury Duty 2; Double Doodie? The first one was bad enough.

An incredibly talented guy that just can’t lay off the booze. I know a few of them. Excellent article. Thanks for posting Kevin.

Is it that she’s a hypocrite?

Even though the the times are different, amassing that much talent in any league would ensure its success. You might have personally been exposed to some talented people but even a brand new baseball league (holy shit, did you see how far he hit that ball?!!!) would be impressive. And that game suffers the worst from

And why are choices seem to be getting progressively worse (maybe they always were and it's more obvious to me now).

If I had one wish for America it would be that we had a minimum of 4 legit parties.