
I love me some runny yolks whether I’m running a fork of egg whites through it, dipping toast in it, or licking it off my fingers after it oozes out of a sandwich. But I also crave egg mcmuffins about once a month which is the only time I'll enjoy a fully cooked egg on a sandwich.

That’s basically how I view “work spouses” or “work friends.” We’re very friendly and the relationship is essential a friendship but I’ve never had one that continued after changing jobs. The first couple I was kinda disappointed but after that I started seeing those relationships for what they were, work

This is why I’m glad I’ve never felt compelled to buy the latest and greatest products. This is a bit of an extreme example but I bought a used 360 S in 2015 and 10 AAA games for $175. Had I bought all of them at launch I would have spent over 5 times that amount. And I enjoyed the hell out of it until I finally

I just made some homemade lemonade last night. The recipe called for about 2 cups of sugar to around 9 cups of water and lemon juice. I bet these people would be appalled to find out how much butter goes into chocolate chip cookies and how much salt gets used in every single one of their favorite restaurant dishes.

It really just depends on the employee and there is no way to know if you're inconveniencing them or giving them an extra 5 minutes outside. As a line cook I enjoy washing dishes after a busy dinner rush or to just step off the line for a minute. But I've worked with people who absolutely hated having to wash dishes.

I think the spicy sauce is meant to be for the regular nuggets. 

Don't see why someone couldn't just get the regular nuggets and dip them in the sauce. I also can't imagine dipping the spicy nug into the spicy sauce would be very good anyway.

This is exactly why I love Game Pass. I’ve bought a few games outright after having tried them on Game Pass that I probably would have never bought before.

Could probably charge them with reckless endangerment.

My girlfriend is a middle school teacher. The whole school district administration has had not a fucking clue how to best handle the new school year. Classes started this last Monday and 2 weeks ago the school board was on the fence about whether it would be all virtual or all in person. It seemed to me that they were

I guarantee their songs get flagged regardless. A 15 second uninterrupted clip is enough for the automatic content detection to flag it. I got hit with an automated DCMA for a 20 second Instagram video of me playing bass to a song. It got lifted after a week or two though.

I see quite a few recipes calling for shallots but I never buy them so I always substitute with whatever onion I currently have available. One of these days I'll plan ahead and buy shallots and see if it was worth the forethought to buy them.

Happy birthday! Also I think the fact that only 5 days ago the weather in my part of the country was 93 °F with the 60% humidity making it feel like 105° is a pretty good sign that summer is still here. Luckily have a bunch of days with highs in the upper 70s coming. Unluckily it’s supposed to rain for most of them.

I never played higher than high school level and travel team baseball but the only times I’ve been thrown out of my rhythm while pitching was when an opposing team would get dead silent as I was about to start my wind up. The teams that would hoot and holler never phased me and I kinda fed off the energy when they

Bed diarrhea definitely calls for a new bed though. That shit (pun intended) definitely would down into the mattress itself. Throw it all out and start over and start wearing Depends.

That’s a good one but I’m partial to chicken thighs marinated in soy sauce, pineapple juice and brown sugar. That’s it. Grill it up and let some of that residual marinade caramelize and serve as is with some veggies or shred the chicken and make tacos with a pineapple salsa or pico and your hot sauce of choice to cut

Italy’s jure sanguinis citizen laws extend a bit further back than most countries. I was looking into it and I think I qualify because my great great grandparents was born there. I'd have to figure out whether he naturalized before my great grandpa was born here in the States. Then I'd have to track down birth

I do this all the time on here, on Reddit, on Facebook, on YouTube etc. Except I usually won't even finish typing out the comment. I'll get halfway through and ask myself what's the point and stop and move on.

Try placing a heat safe bowl with white vinegar inside the appliance and let it boil. Then let the vinegar steam sit for a couple minutes and then wipe clean with a damp towel. Sure it will smell like vinegar for a while but it's food safe and has worked well for me when cleaning out microwaves with caked on grime.

There doesn’t always have to a bad guy and a good guy. In the case you described no one was the good and you both were the bad guys. No one wins when language like “KYS” is used no matter who is on the receiving end. And I think that was the point the person you replied to was trying to make. No amount of context can