Hit Bull Win Steak

A Kings employee “came across a folder labeled ‘Turbo Tax,’” the team documents say.

On a positive note, Jimbo can now check off “seeing the Eiffel Tower” on his bucket list. 

Atlanta, the city that brought you The Walking Dead. Mostly because it required the least amount of set dressing to resemble an apocalyptic hellscape.

Mike Vrabel looks like the kind of guy who slaps himself in the face to get psyched up for a Fun Run. 

Brady only communicates on an old school landline, believing that a cellular telephone with disrupt his thetan energy or something

This movie is the perfect example of when the marketing department and the filmmakers don’t know who each other are.

While I’ve long hated this show and am glad to see it finally dying, there’s a small part of me that wanted to see them keep it going with Ashton Kutcher recast as a very similar character to Sheldon.

I mean just because you SOUND like Kenny Powers doesn’t mean you have to act like him. 

My 2 year old pronounces it “Kanza Shitty” and I’ve never once corrected him. 

I only lived in Michigan for about 6 months after birth, but still inherited my Lions fandom from my father anyway. I often wish I inherited something more dignified like say, male-pattern baldness. 

I miscounted when I sent in my submission, he’s actually 6-52!!!

Solid rant, and totally on the nose except for the fact that Martha Ford (and the late William Clay Ford) have almost nothing to do with Ford Motor Company. WCF (a grandson of Henry Ford) stopped working there in the 1970's I believe, but made most of his money in real estate.

hence my point about a superbly shitty team winning the NL East. Nice to see we agree. 

You get to play 50+ games against the Rays, Jays,and Orioles. So consider it a wash. 

Gonna be awesome watching a Phillies or Braves team make the playoffs as a Division winner with less wins than the Red Sox currently have on August 21st.

this is why I simply just shit in the handicapped parking spot.

You’re into tomatoes! Everyone is into tomatoes!

“You got your elitist mentality in my overblown sense of self-importance!”

If you continue to pay $60 annually for this glorified roster/uniform update, it ain’t the game that has a glitch.

Rosen is a Jewish Atheist