Syzygy in Blue

Yes that’s astounding b/c your parents do have a lot of money. It’s also probably true that they don’t “feel” what they think “rich” feels like since they’ve probably had to plan and work really hard to own a home or pay rent in one of the most expensive parts of the world, plus considerations of health insurance,

I have rich parents (stepmom makes 500k, dad makes 100k working half time). They perpetually see themselves as middle class, despite being in the top 1% of earners in any state. They started out lower middle class and they worked to get where they are so they cannot fathom that they might no longer be middle class.

Could be paid off. Or just knowing that she has a reliable car that does not have immediate needs could be another factor. Who knows. I am just saying that there is this sense among some that if you need food stamps you need to look destitute and that’s not really fair.

In July 2017, DeVos met with men’s rights activists

What you think you wrote:

You do realise that people can buy refurbished iPhones for super cheap, and that sometimes designer handbags can be gifts or excellent knockoffs, right? Not that I should have to explain any of this, because people should not have to perform their poverty to you or to anybody else, and it’s none of your fucking

Only as a woman. Men can get away with bringing in “fresh wind” and “needed change”.

“A girl who struggles”

Not only would the accommodations certainly be insufficient to address the assault, I would put money down that the ‘accommodations’ would be things that make things even more inconvenient for the victim.

I can easily see universities using this to dodge liability for doing little to punish perpetrators, by basically requiring victims to accept some meager accommodation

So long as they’re cheap t-shirts. If they’re fancy, like fitted or god forbid with buttons on the collar, it’ll obviously prove she’s secretly rich. Fox will be checking closely for cotton/poly blends.

The skepticism of Ocasio-Cortez speaks to the broader classism, sexism, and racism that characterizes so much of the way things work on the Hill and in elite media spaces.

She should get “I am a member of Congress” tee shirts printed up.

Additionally, the Washington Post reports that the department “will not consider a school to be skirting its responsibility to investigate an accusation if instead it offers accusers accommodations such as a schedule change, a no-contact order or new housing.”

First, I’m not aware of any stigma associated with being conceived through IVF. *shrug* Second, I’m fairly certain MO let both her husband and her daughters read this long before it was published.

I don’t see how it’s an issue - it’s pretty common these days with those who have the funds to do it (and sometimes those that don’t).

But ... signatures just got it onto the ballot. They were free to read the actual initiative before definitively voting for it. Dumbasses. I’ll happily send moving boxes from across the country to help you pack their sorry selves up.

I’d love to make an Iron Throne out of confiscated firearms.

...bans the sale of semi-automatic rifles to people under 21 and non-state residents and, before purchase, requires buyers to pass an enhanced background check and have proof of passing a firearms course.

Hey NRA, take a seat. Maybe several. We know what we voted for and we want gun control.