Well, historically accurate in the sense that the tale told to the French translator had it set in China - but it’s an anachronistic version of China that’s more representative of a Middle East context.
Well, historically accurate in the sense that the tale told to the French translator had it set in China - but it’s an anachronistic version of China that’s more representative of a Middle East context.
They could also make a Chinese-cast Aladdin remake, which would actually be historically accurate.
1) We have a census because voting districts are determined by census data: how many people are living where, and consequently where should the voting district lines be drawn. The reason why state and local governments swung significantly right in the last decade are because the GOP ran an operation to get a majority…
Tears sprung to my eyes just watching the trailer and I haven’t seen the original.
Just a friendly reminder, if by some miracle they get the question in there, you don’t have to answer it, your census will still be counted.
Aladdin is a good story based on a classic Arabian nights tale. The animated version was written with the intention of being a fun musical cartoon, and the story reconfigured so that it fit that mold. From what I’ve heard, the live action one doesn’t go far enough in establishing itself, which is a shame because…
This is exactly what I was hoping for. Having seen both the 2016 Jungle Book live-action remake as well as the Aladdin one this year, what I took away from both is that these films need to be their own versions of these stories, with their own music and ways of doing their central themes, and not be overly tethered to…
and cried ugly tears just as I did watching it as a teenager.
If turns out they made a wuxia movie with Hollywood tentpole/blockbuster budget, and production quality, I will be over the moon.
This is the one I was most excited, and most anxious about - but it looks awesome and like it has drawn on Chinese historical kung fu/epic fantasy movies for inspiration, which is 1000% the right direction to go in. I am now REALLY excited for this!
Much like her fellow Joy Luck Club Alumni and recently anointed Disney Legend (for being the voice of Mulan for 2 decades) Ming Na-Wen who currently at the age of 55 spends her Friday night doing this
Yesssss. My children basically exist because of Mulan (met the husband while performing in the Disneyland parade), so it has become a favorite in our house. It looks closer to the original poem but influenced by the animated movie. I’m so excited they are doing it as an action movie and not a musical. It looks…
This is The One. I scream “Why?” at Lion King ads, real animals sass talking, who needed that? Aladdin looked weak and pointless. But Mulan, while lesser known than it should be, is not wonderful. It is exactly the 90s movie to remake. My daughter fell in love with Mulan 1 & 2 because they are the few on Netflix. The…
Holy crap. So basically it looks like it’s Disney movie meets Hong Kong historical action epic? HERE FOR THIS.
This seems like the only live action remake where the live action thing might actually...work. The power of the original Mulan film was in the story—that it was told through the medium of animation was kind of secondary (contrast that with the original Aladdin, which is a magical, fun film precisely because it is…
I watched this with my kids and my son was like “why will Mulan pretending to be a man dishonor her family?”. My involved explanation was causing a glazed-over look in my then- 5-year-old’s eyes, so finally I just said “It’s the patriarchy, man.”
Who seems not to have aged???
This is 100% the remake I’m most excited about and this looks epic. I’ve recently rewatched the original with my daughter (she’s 2 - gotta get them young) and cried ugly tears just as I did watching it as a teenager. Bring. It.