
I never go after women for their body shapes, wrinkles, saggy boobs, or flat asses. Those things are pretty much beyond one's control and usually difficult to correct (and there's no need to correct them!). We never went after her crow's feet, for example. I do get snarky with women who tell other women to look their

It's nothing to do with dumb. It's more like naive. We (the West) did this to them by sending in missionaries to save their poor benighted souls. We should have left them the hell alone. Is there any way we can fix this? A sort of reverse-missionary program? Oh dear FSM, I just set myself up for ALL SORTS of

Read it at Barnes & Noble (do they still have those?) at your lunch hour, and spill lots of coffee on it

Do not buy this woman's book to hate read.

Dear Susan,
You're a relic of a bygone age dishing out advice to a generation you don't know or understand. Your book is an attempt to justify your life choices, even though your marriage didn't work out. (Shockingly.)

"Additionally, if a woman dresses provocatively, drinks too much and then enters a male's room, whatever happens next is all on her."

How many movies about slaves are there? Like about actual slaves and not the politics behind slavery. I can't think of any except 12YAS.


I did not like Silver Linings. Way too overrated and overdone. She did not deserve to win. Hunger Games for sure.

Thank you Oscars for not rewarding American Hustle

American Hustle won nothing. I can sleep easy :)

You shouldn't be able to earn an Oscar for losing weight and playing a homophobic version of yourself, dammit! Chiwetel Eliofor gave me the chills. He was incredible. Even Bruce Dern acted through his silence in Nebraska. Are we just supposed to be glad that McConaughey isn't making shit rom coms anymore? Going to bed

Alright, alright, alright...

Based on his defense of playing the role, it sounds like he might be one of those people who does not really get that there is a difference between trans people and gay people.

I had to suppress my gag reflex at his acceptance speech. "For anyone who has ever been hated for who they are and who they love yadda yadda I stand here for you." Subscript: as a white, hetero, conventionally attractive cis-man.
Uh, thanks Jared.

I'm trying really hard to like JLaw, but she just seems so very, very fake.

It's not endearing. He waited until they were separated to finally right his wrongs. If he really cared, he never would have been a sleazy pig during his marriage.

As a Brit, sorry, but I think circumcised penises look like angry little toadstools.

I wonder what the people who were there before the Irish thought of them and their crime?

"I can't listen to your message because you're too angry and swear a lot."