
There are are so much mental gymnastics going on in defending Tim Gunn's comments, idk what to do.

He's still phrasing it as, "trans women have men's bodies which is why they fit the box", rather than "those trans women who are employed are the ones who fit the box, and the box is the issue". He made it so the problem with employing trans women in this context isn't that the employers choose those who fit that

"and one someone should have with him to better educate him on the topic. N"

When I read this, I thought that he could have very easily said "I'm glad we're becoming more accepting of transwomen....but we aren't done yet. I would love to see more diversity, particularly of body types - an area where the industry still has a glaring problem"

Part of the problem is that he is not decrying using a specific body type, he's decrying using trans people who fit that body type. If he'd said something like, use shapelier women, regardless of gender identity, we would be having an entirely different discussion here.

I think that is an EXCUSE, not a reason, since there are in fact tall, willowy, slim-hipped black girls. The girls who go to the casting calls for Fashion Week are not built like Tyra Banks (who did the switch over I believe precisely b/c of her curves). They are build like Naomi, only probably slimmer considering

Sorry but this is a load of bullshit, and the people who are defending this idiot are sticking their heads in the sand about trans issues. The fact is that most cis models are tall and thin with narrow hips, and pretending like it's a problem when all of sudden trans women with the same fucking body features enter the

Of course I don't know him personally. He oozes smarm and is the kind of person who believes himself to be much more intelligent than he actually is, as evidenced by his really inept doubletalk and backtracking about the lyrics of Blurred Lines (of course I like degrading women! It's fun, you never get to anymore!

I really hope he's thinking he can trade up. Because my favorite thing about Robin Thicke is how oblivious he seems to be to the egg timer that's counting down his fifteen minutes.

I like Ellen, but it is one of my biggest pet peeves when people throw around the word 'Africa' when they are really just referring to one country in Africa, in this case: Kenya.

All of you are aware that the Muslims you're so keen about were violent colonist Arabs that were running the extremely profitable, religiously-approved, pre-Western slave trade out of Africa, right? And that they basically annihilated the local indigenous cultures to get the money to build their lovely mosques in

The spread of Islam, and Arabic, did not bring the written language to them. It was already there to begin with(they have their own language, and written system). The main reason why we know so little is due to the lack of interest and racial bias that existed in the field of history. It is not till the 70s that the

Sub-Sahara African empires did have written languages just like any other. The Mali Empire was known for its high quality manuscripts, and the city of Tinbuktu was a major learning center. Even as south as the Kongo and its Kingdom that rose had establish relations with Europe*. Not to mention the Christian Ethiopia.

China is not doing anything new. They are just the new colonial overlords.

Well, I think we can thank it being overlooked due to European colonialism. If I recall, it was believed at the time that Great Zimbabwe couldn't POSSIBLY have been built by native Africans and a extinct white race must've done it.

Not gonna lie, I would freakin LOVE to see a Rome-style HBO historical drama about Songo Mnara in its prime.

All I hear is "OMG someone dared to disagree with me! They must not know what they're talking about."

Because Robert deNiro didn't play himself in every single role. He's now because he's old. Same with Nicholson. Complacent isn't the same as untalented.

I'm just imagining how shitty every movie ever would be if all actors took Dunham's mom's advice.