
Eckhart Trolle...

If you applied the same logic to your own actions you wouldn't be criticizing the woman who wrote this article. It upset you? Let it go. She wrote it in the past. You read it in the past.

Are you kidding me? I don't even know where to start with you. First of all, she wrote an obituary, which needed to be written in the present. Also, if you think all of this crap doesn't affect someone's present then you certainly have not had to deal with any of this, or, you're in complete denial.

I, for one, would like to talk about the white on white crime rate. White crime victims are overwhelmingly likely to be victimized by another white person. Let's talk about that! Clearly, there is something wrong in their culture and communities that makes this white on white crime thing happen.

Can Idris Elba get a TedTalk so he can teach these men HOW to be Idris Elba.

Most of Russia is also part of Asia, but we don't consider Russians anything other than white in America.

This is super sad.

Which is somehow less acceptable than white man-black woman?

Kanye criticism DOES have a tendency to get racist and condescending because white people.
Also, every time Kanye talks about racism people make a point of calling it a "rant".
Calling someone "crazy" all the time is quickest way to invalidate all their concerns.

You keep using the word "racist" but you don't seem to have an understanding of what racism is. I'm not even American, but I have the Internet at my fingertips and a desire to learn and grow as a person. English is not my native language either, sooo...

I know, I was shouting at the screen, "Can we stop giving Jennifer Lawrence awards please?!?" I totally get her appeal, but she's getting overexposed. American Hustle wasn't her best work, I found her miscast to a distracting degree and thought the role should've been played by someone at least 10 years older. It

Nobody ever points that out but it's always weird to me that the BAFTAs, a British award ceremony, reward American movies. Like, there aren't enough British movies to reward so they have to go with American ones. I know a lot of British actors work on both sides of the pond but when all-American movies like American

I can believe Jennifer Lawrence won over Lupita Nyong'o... I normally agree with the Baftas but they got it so very wrong this time.

Except it wasn't even a child yet when she relocated. It was her body that she moved, the baby didn't exist til it was born. And it was born in New York.

SHE DID NOT RELOCATE THE CHILD. She moved while pregnant, got on with her life, and had the kid.

I disagree about Jennifer winning the Oscar: she won one too recently, and it's VERY rare for an actor to win twice in a row (the last time: Tom Hanks for Philadelphia/Forrest Gump).

Jennifer Lawrence winning over Lupita shows that the Brits can get it very wrong sometimes.

So the nasty part of me is a little bit:

NY Fashion Week promotes international fashion. Not every designer is even from the US. Perhaps you should consider that context before pointing out irrelevant information.