
I don't think the general non-black latino population, even the "brownest" of us with black friends (you know how that goes), are much better at not using that word than the general white population. It's pretty horrifying, but I have found that so many other POC do not transfer their own experiences of being

I didn't know that. That's gross and not okay. And yeah, she's Latina and good friends with Laverne, so I'm surprised she'd think that appropriate. Everyone makes mistakes though. But I'd rather she properly apologized than just deleted the comments.

Okay. That means when she was younger, she made mistakes. It takes a big person to be able to own up to and be honest about those mistakes. Young people can be assholes sometimes. It's true.

As someone who is looking to take on a second job in the shitty town in which I'm temporarily stuck, just to be able afford my return to the city, and someone who is still unable to nab one of the shitty local Subway jobs because competition is fierce for any fucking work out here... Yeah, you sound like an asshole.

A better way to show that you don't care is by not bothering to comment.

How could you post this without gif?

HA! Just read that your response to my previous comment and this foolish response to yours and I kind of want to keep re-posting that Shonda Rimes quote...maybe put it over Highlander image: THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE...BLACK WOMAN AND SHE HAS TO BE PERFECT.

Obviously the cooler sister.

Yep, because if there's one thing the media and popular culture is just over stocked with it's positive stories and images of black women, especially those with natural hair.

When was the last time you had sex?

You didn't lose your chance at happiness. You found it. It doesn't sound like you two were going to be happy. You have a chance now. I know it's scary, but this might help- have you every heard anyone say, "wow, I shouldn't have broken up with that guy I was dating 5 years ago" ? I never have. :)

I will snatch wigs and ruin lives for him.

I shall watch this! I will enjoy every single second of it. Also, I find John Cho extremely hot.

So, Richardson apologized because she had a boyfriend and he might have offended this said boyfriend? Uuuuughhhh!

Why is anyone still working with him?

The only country excluded from this is Egypt and that's mostly because people think of it as being comprised of lighter skinned people and because they find Ancient Egyptian culture exotic.

The issue is there is a tendency for white people to write about the continent in ways that are condescending and lacking the insight one would have if they are culturally and ethnically from that region (the external gaze). I find that white writers (yes even white Africans) use tropes that other white people expect

Correction - Slave masters raped their slaves.

Slightly off-topic, but what really pisses me off is when people act as though Africa is a country rather than a continent and that all African people have the same culture. If I claimed that Russia and France had the same culture, people would clutch their pearls and flame me. Yet, the very same people wouldn't bat

Sigh, and slave masters had sexual relations with their slaves, your point? Yet another reason to not watch her show.