
As I walk through the shadow of the valley of breast

Ah. Well... I attended Juilliard... I'm a graduate of the Harvard business school. I travel quite extensively. I lived through the Black Plague and had a pretty good time during that. I've seen the EXORCIST ABOUT A HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN TIMES, AND IT KEEPS GETTING FUNNIER EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT...

So it's okay to whitewash history? What's the point of comparing this to what I'm assuming is Hip Hop culture? They're both wrong, so you did nothing but promote a strawman, useless argument.


These two are the most Russian Russians to ever Russia. I love them. #neverchange

Pfft. I have to go around all year putting on a fake smile in our fucking ALWAYS BE HAPPY AND SMILE nightmare society. Let me have one day where people can at least understand why I'm such a bitter asshole.

Now playing

I'm telling you. This woman's voice was from another planet. Her song on The Bodyguard soundtrack starts a cappella. For like 8,000 measures. They were worried before they put the song on the radio that it wouldn't work. Because no one had ever put a hit on pop radio with that much a cappella at the beginning. But her

Um, How I Met Your Mother producers?

How I Met Your Brother's Father's Nephew's Cousin's Former Roommate

No joke, someone once told me I deserved to be paid less because I was more likely to take time off to care for my children. I don't have kids. I am not married. I'm not even in a relationship. Yet my future has been decided for me apparently, and pay inequity justified, simply because that is the norm. I don't want

So women who may take maternity leave to have children and for health and safety reasons cannot work after a certain point in their pregnancy should not be paid equally because of this reason? I'm pretty sure if a woman can work throughout their entire pregnancy without health complications they would. I had a family

The only thing we're talking about people being upset by is being called English when they're not. That's it. That's pretty reasonable.

I'm not sure which issue in particular you are talking about - do you mean the difference between the UK and Great Britain? Because as I mentioned earlier, I wouldn't expect "foreigners" (for lack of a better term) to understand that difference, and I don't think anyone would get angry about it.

Noooo, Britain is not the UK. no no no. Britain is just the island.

So. Fucking. Dense. Bilbo joking about calling Ashley Wagner a "thug" served two purposes, both of which escape you. One, it's a sly comment on how commenters overreacted to Richard Sherman, calling him a thug when all he did was show some emotion. Two, it's a pre-emptive strike against any haters who think Ashley was

How did you not sprain yourself, missing the point so hard?

It's almost cute to me how you don't seem to know that women (and to an even greater extent, POC) actually deal with this ALL THE TIME. Hell, I work with an all male team at my job (finance) and have never said a word about it. The fact that you think this struggle would somehow be novel to the audience here

The anxiety, sure. The entitlement that led him to believe he has a right to sue over the fact that he was held to the same grading standard as everyone else, no. If a woman in an engineering class decided to skip the whole semester, then fail, then sue over the fact that she was uncomfortable in a room full of guys,

Yeah, the scary part is that the cops were suddenly shooting at anybody, not just black men.