
Comic books are filled with stories involving dead-end futures, some of them are actually pretty good. Instead of demanding clear continuity, why not enjoy movies for the self-contained stories they’re supposed to be? Not expecting things to be explained or finally make sense in the sequel?

Dude, I’m still trying to get over these new TVs. What happened to the bunny ears? And where is the cassette slot on my iPhone 7? Damn you Tim Cook!

The current autopilot is already substantially safer than human drivers, so Tesla’s already saving people not killing people. As they continue to improve and refine the system they will just increase the safety factor which will increase the number of people saved.

Hm... how many thousands of cars sold and in private hands with only one fatality? I’d say it’s probably safer than a full week of eating fast food.

I’m going to assume less than people kill.

Autopilot as a standard feature on such an affordable car is pretty incredible. I’m hoping that for the sake of us enthusiast that it drives as well as the model s when the human is in control. It’s a fantastic looking car and if it is fun to drive I would seriously consider purchasing one.

Just FYI - you probably already know this, but the deposit is fully refundable until you configure your car. If you buy something else or other circumstances change, you can always get it back.

How can that be a pain? I mean, that $1000 would otherwise be sitting in my savings account earning 0.01%. If someone can’t spare a grand, they probably shouldn’t be considering a $35k car to begin with.

I’ll put down $1,000 for a Tesla Model 3 I haven’t seen the final version of and wait two years over that.

For a $1000 refundable deposit, why not? If it ends up being an awesome car, I win. If it ends up looking like it’s going to be a pile of crap, I pull my deposit and buy something else. Not to concerned.

I believe there was more than one Night Nurse in the comics as well.

Will there be a standalone Black Widow movie?

Trump is a racist demagogue who wants to set the progress in this country back decades. I have no interest in supporting someone who supports that. Evidently a lot of other people feel the same way, and are voting with their wallets. Isn’t this exactly what libertarianism wants us to be able to do? Isn’t this

It said HIS mother, not yours.

That’s the point. If I find someone’s ideas reprehensible, I don’t want to support them, financially or otherwise, so they continue to have a strong platform for those ideas and can continue pouring money into getting those ideas enacted. That’s the whole point of choosing not to buy from a company you disagree with.

Ok? So what’s your point? If that bothers you, don’t vote for her and don’t support her financially. My whole point is you should be able to do that without someone telling you it’s straight out of 1984 to do so.

Huh? It’s not dangerous at all. We do it all the time. If someone says they are a Nazi, while the government can’t (and shouldn’t) do anything about it, the public has a right, and is completely in the right, to not buy from his company and to ridicule him. If the ceo of a company is opposed to gay marriage, I won’t