
Came here for cockpit pictures, felt cheated.

And today on “Troll, Moron, or Garbage Human” ... please welcome Long-Voyager to the stage!

clutch not found
cd VW_group/partsbin/manual/clutchpedal.deb
sudo engage clutch

I hope he has a 2x4 badge on the trunk

I guess this is oakay.

This is the most Canada thing ever.

This is a very well researched and well written article, something that is sorely missing from FA, these days, especially since Tyler left. Thanks for bringing attention to this aircraft, Gary. As someone with a lot of knowledge about SIGINT, I didn’t even know this aircraft existed! Hopefully, we’ll see more great

Just to be clear, I’m not defending them. I just think the names are exactly as stupid as all the comment rage regarding the stupid names, which have been wrong for far longer than the 3/4 split (ever since the trim number stoppred reflecting engine size)

I think the moment they built a fat, pig-faced, giant hatchback and then told us it was, ahem, a motherfucking ‘GT’ is the moment anyone with eyes and a brain said... ‘jog on, dickheads...’ I mean, really? Its looks like a pontiac aztek wearing it’s kids nikes.

Here is a nice one at the Lemay in Tacoma WA.

I used to ride a motorcycle. I still do, but I used to also.

There’s a really nice GMC for sale near me right now and I really want an RV for next year - unfortunately I can’t manage the $40,000 price. Even the $20,000 or so that good Westfalias go for now is a reach. Three years ago I had the opportunity to buy an immaculate 1988 Westfalia from a friend who had owned it since

Pretty sure that’s a Ferrari, dude.

Drive a 60's or early 70's VW van just once and you will be hooked.

All roads lead home if you’re carrying your bed on your back.

Line up engines and transmissions from VW Brazil and permits from impossibaland for all the regulations and we’re good.

We used a couple to scare the shit out of N. Korea earlier this year.