loool this is not the kind of product placement I would promote if I were them...I feel like there’s very little crossover between the Glossier market and 50 Shades viewers.
loool this is not the kind of product placement I would promote if I were them...I feel like there’s very little crossover between the Glossier market and 50 Shades viewers.
You should have grown up with me in Red State America. He ain’t all that unusual.
Bannon (the man who fancies himself to be Lenin, but actually ended up as Rasputin) doesn’t just want to terminate democracy within our own borders—a vision well on its way to being realized.He wants to drop nukes on other people’s countries as well. If somebody doesn’t get him the hell out of the White House, he’s…
How about no.
I think people who were offended didn’t get that it was a line-for-line spoof of Fatal Attraction.
They also have a stronger cast than they had during the last few years. The Dubya years had Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Seth Meyers. They now have Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones. Kristin Wiig was really the only bright spot of the Obama years, and I’m actually not a big fan of hers.
Like you said, you’re not American.
Kimberley is, according to “her” comment history, a progressive liberal who’s had three abortions, minored in climate science at an Ivy league school and, managed to get stuck in Yemen during the recent immigration ban.
This is a terrible troll and you should be ashamed.
I certainly don’t want to offend anyone, but I don’t believe the word ‘monkey’ carries the same racial implications you’re driving at in your comment, especially when the target is not a person of color. The word is used in a completely race-neutral way to describe the antics of children (climbs like a monkey),…
Is it a slur here though? Monkey is a racial slur, yes, but it’s also used to refer to the organ grinder’s dancing monkey, someone who performs degrading tasks upon command. Spicer is a white guy who is this administration’s dancing monkey. I’m not seeing the slur.
The strongest part of the Stern interview was that it came from a place of kindness, so it sounded and felt sincere. He didn’t just blast Trump and cut him, so the criticism was all the more poignant. I hope he’s right, that the constant scorn drives him to quit or go off the reservation.
I wish people would stop doing this.
If Trumps medical records said something significant, thst would be a matter of public interest. An athlete’s records are not of public interest. The two examples are not remotely similar.
If you click on the three little dots you see at the top right of their comment, you should see an option that says “dismiss” and the comment will go away!
I’m not responding to a reply I got from someone who called me a piece of shit, but should have disclosed I guess that I am clean and sober and have been for 2 years.
I was in a hearing once about naloxone, and a legislator asked if naloxone was safe to administer if you weren’t sure someone was overdosing. The doctor looked at the legislator and said (I’m paraphrasing) that he would give it to an infant without blinking, and that it brought people back from the dead. This drug is…
A friendly reminder that opiate overdoses have been decreasing in states where pot is legal. http://drugabuse.com/legalizing-marijuana-decreases-fatal-opiate-overdoses/
HIPAA should have prevented him from acquiring the records, not disseminating them.
Then it’s all about your brand.