
I appreciate and respect the sentiment, the bravery, and the integrity in taking a stand even in the face of violent opposition.

Now playing

You must not know ‘bout Bey. That’s nothing. She had her hair sucked into a huge fan while she was singing “Halo” but she just kept on singing the song perfectly while her people tried to figure out how to unattach her from the machinery.

“Get real. I’m made of steel. This is nothing. HI, GIRLS!” was my favorite line.

Lil Jon confirmed reports that Donald Trump called him “Uncle Tom”

I know one flight attendant. We went to a top 25 law school together.

Let’s split the difference and agree that the flight attendant is an idiot without insulting people based on their professions.

Oh this is the truest. Some of my mine

Oh this will go perfect with my wine chandelier 

Hmm, yeah, unless they’ve secretly hired AJ, I’m guessing the Grey Lady is pretty safe there.

For the purpose of this, he IS Trump, except for the body, so he’s as disgusting and selfish and vile and ugh.

I respect your position, because it’s nuanced and because I think that it’s possible to disagree over the nature of her crimes while still respecting her gender identity and her rights as a prisoner. The one thing I would question you on, just a little, is: do you view prison as a punitive or a rehabilitative

I hate the fact that I’m saying this... but the colorblind thing isn’t a gotcha. I tell people I’m colorblind all the time... and I am red green colorblind... meaning I can’t see various shades of purple, blue, green, gray.... but I can see pink no problem. I assume that’s what he meant.

I didn’t say she had a right to that coverage. But she has the right to ask, and she did, successfully, and bully for her.

Also, I believe it’s “spindle cell sarceauxma”.

Neaux Tigers

No it’s not a TV show, they’re personal friends of Kara Brown.

Hillary cannot, for one second, even appear to lower herself to attacking Trump like he does with her. If she’s has ONE slight meltdown like Trump’s, it will bring this election back to a coin flip.

Are you me? I ask because I could have written that word-for-word. Should she win (and I say “should,” because we know how fucked up this country is), I’ll weep with unbridled joy.

I’ve read that in the course of her political career, H’s “likeability” polling tanks while she’s running for office and then goes through the roof once she’s actually doing said job. (Not once, but every, single election.) I imagine the same negative hate-ads that we’ve seen for all these years actually work with

Pretty much since they stopped using acetate that self-destructs after a certain time, yes. Especially now that most stuff is digital, they stick all that shit in the vault so they can use it sometime later if they want/need to. Never know when you might want to cobble together the “lost tapes of Star Who Just Died”.