I loved watching Trump tie himself into a Gordian knot trying to explain his stances on his tax returns, support for the Iraq war, and birtherism.
I loved watching Trump tie himself into a Gordian knot trying to explain his stances on his tax returns, support for the Iraq war, and birtherism.
It’s hilarious that Trump accused Hillary for ‘not having stamina’, while he couldn’t stand for 60 minutes of a debate without panting, sweating, and sniffling, while she stood there smiling, fresh as a daisy.
Former veterinary nurse here. I obviously know about dogs overheating in cars, but I question this. You can’t just smash the window, you also have to get the dog out of there and cooled down. I’ve seen really experienced animal nurses be mauled to hell when trying to help a distressed animal. Breaking the window in a…
I’m gonna go with a tampon here, Sohrab.
You’re being really presumptuous by assuming that this man is mentally ill. Some people are just plain weird, with no mental illness.
I have no idea whether or not Brad Pitt is an abuser. Until Angelina or someone close to the family explicitly makes that claim, I’m taking these allegations with a grain of salt. But as a daughter of someone who was abusive, I reject the idea that abusive people have noticeable tells that we can all spot from a…
“Also, I was trying to get our entire team to follow Kap’s protest and would have except our chickenshit QB thought it would be bad for his advertising value to say anything of interest about anything controversial.”
I am secure enough that having something I like become popular doesn’t ruin it for me. I have no investment in being the only one who likes this poem. I’m happy to know that as many people as possible have had the benefit of hearing these words.
I’m crying just thinking about it. At my desk. At work.
I love this movie. In a just world it would have gotten tons of award recognition, especially for MacLaine, but of course it was a “women’s movie” and nobody had cancer or a dead kid, so no Oscars.
My older sister told me I was the Quinn to her Daria - it’s as offensive the other way around too, ha, sisters are jerks :-)
Diaz plays Rose Feller, the semi-literate, destructively promiscuous, and oft unemployed little sister of Maggie (Collette)
also ‘waiting.....’ is the most (only?) perfect movie about working in a restaurant
i would NEVER.
This movie is AMAZING. I dare you not to cry during the ee cummings moment.
I don’t like this movie only because my younger sister told me that I’m the Toni Collette character and she’s the Cameron Diaz character.
Iron Giant saying “Superman,” Stitch crying out “Lost!” in Lilo and Stitch, Fry’s dog in Jurassic Bark, Leila’s parents secretly watching her as she grows up in that other episode.
i got teary eyed just reading your comment
Or they could try making bags that don’t remind me of the bedspread in a Radisson circa 1994?