
They’re not actually required throughout the complaint. For instance: Plaintiff John Doe (herein referred to as “Plaintiff”)alleges on or about X 2014, Defendant Jane Roe (herein referred to as “Defendant 1") and Defendnat Jane Doe (herein referred to as “Defendant 2")...

jesus why not Person 1, Person 2, and Person 3

The new Blackhawks fans are why I can’t root for or have any sympathy for the Cubs. When they finally win. It will be 100x worse.

You didn’t have the pleasure of going to college with a ton of people “from Chicago” (read: from Highland Park or La Grange or one of the eleventy billion suburbs) between 2007 and 2011, when they went from mocking you for liking hockey to lording the Hawks over you in an incredibly short span.

Drew: I know you hate hockey because of some unspeakable horror back in your MN days, but you need to discover just how horribly shitty Chicago Blackhawks fans are. Excusing Patrick Kane’s (alleged) rape is just the tip of the iceberg.

It’s not John, it’s Shiloh. Shiloh was 4 at the time Angelina told that story, and if you know anything about little kids, you’ll know they like to try on different identities. My niece once went through a 2 week period where she wanted to be called “Dog walker.” I obviously don’t want to imply that young children

oh you can fuck right off


Oh no! You foiled Univision’s secret branding caper! They’d have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling commenters and your cannabis-addled talking dog

There is no clinical diagnosis of sociopath or psychopath in the DSM, and the antisocial personality disorder diagnosis presents problems because it involves an element of criminality and — like you note — not all psychopaths / sociopaths are criminals. RE: Ted Bundy, I’m assuming he fit the criteria for sexual sadism

it is very much not a joke and it is honestly rude of you to assume so

hahaha I was just talking about loveline today!! I used to listen to it at a volume barely above a whisper on my clock radio while i was in jr high!

I was thinking the same thing as I started reading this. I started listening to him in the 90s in high school, through college and after. Between the radio show and his show w/Adam on MTV, he was actually entertaining and informative. Kind of crazy to see what he has become.

Just wanted to add a little trivia. On the corner of 53rd Street and Dorchester in Hyde Park (or is that Woodlawn? I can never remember) there is a monument to their first date:

I know they’ve made a solid effort to push the “kinder, gentler Hillary” narrative to appeal to men who are scared of an ambitious, aggressive woman, but I am so glad she pulled out this speech. We all know you are a shark, Madam Secretary, and we want to see you rip this nasty little goldfish to shreds.

I appreciate the desire to be as inclusive as possible, but I really wish they’d stop trying to make “Latinx” happen.

That’s true, but I think sometimes the perception over here about Gawker commenters is a little skewed. Like some folks that would be considered trolls over here were prob some of my favorite Gawker commenters? To be clear, that doesn’t include people who were actively racist/sexist/throw personal attacks, etc.

Trust me, the “good” gawker trolls are even worse. Bad trolls are obvious. Good trolls can derail an entire article with a comment.

This never came across as true love to me, at least not on Gwen’s part. I see it as a painful denial and intense floundering after the life she thought she’d have forever fell apart.

Bring back 500 days of Kristin.