
You did it!

Perhaps you should go read his comment history, before deciding that he isn’t a troll.

There’s a post floating around somewhere from a woman who worked with gorillas for years and loves them dearly. She’s of course heartbroken by this incident but still supports what the zoo did because she could tell from the video that the gorilla’s body language was indicating stress (likely feeling threatened by the

I get it. I’m fucking furious that the poor gorilla had to be killed. I hate zoos and their bullshit ideas of “education” and “conservation” and this is basically the perfect example of why they need to shut down. I will NEVER give them my business. But I think you’re misappropriating that anger, however justified. I

The zoo is correct. Tranquilizing an animal or human is not instant, despite what movies and tv would let people believe. They have possibly seen his response to tranquilizers in the past if he needed any vet care.

No one is mad that you aren’t sure whether he actually did hit her. We’re mad because you said that if he did hit her, it might have been her own fault. And that's a really gross, nasty, victim-blamey thing to say.

Damn, climb off the cross, whiner.

The people who are”goaded” are still responsible for their own actions. He didn’t “get” those girls to hit him; he knew their patterns and they did what they decided to do.

A regular Jezebel.

Bruising doesn’t tend to show up immediately—it can take hours or days.

The only downside for both women is that, being older, if they were to come out and back up Heard, it would be spun (by Depp’s people) as two aging women desperately trying to make themselves relevant again to restart their careers. It’s bullshit, of course, but remember that it takes 50+ victims to equal the denials

Is there a reason you didn’t use CHOCOLATE ice cream as an example???!

This is only vaguely related to your comment but I’m still blown away by this and I have to share:

It also allows liberals to dismiss conservative talking points as “just religion” without addressing the underlying arguments. The best example I can think of is abortion. I had a discussion with a well-educated friend in his 30s, and he had never considered the fact that conservatives consider abortion murder. He was

You know, I know you’re talking to a group of Liberals (including me) here, but calling God “Imaginary Sky Daddy” while talking about how you’re so much smarter than conservatives is *exactly* what makes conservative people who don’t think very hard about it think that liberals are assholes.

It sounds like you were an unusually mature high schooler. The thing is, if everything is working for you personally, it takes an extra bit of self-awareness to see what’s wrong. She got there, but it took her a few more years than you did.

When I was 18 and voting, I had been on the internet for two years and it was still people figuring out that AOL wasn’t the best idea. Some people at 18 did not have access to the amazing wealth of knowledge that we have online today. Some of us are older than that.

“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re 40, you have no head.”

That’s not entirely fair—a lot of teens aren’t really educated on the issues, and if their families and friends are conservative and that’s all they know, they’re more likely to lean conservative. I was the same way (sans boyfriend) because I was raised in a very conservative Christian environment. I grew up and then