B Sven

The Mentaculus Abides…

When we were kids and this was on, my brother said that Jeff was fuckin' both ladies in the pink, but did not disclose how he knew this…

Can I borrow a feelin'?
Could you lend me a jar of love?
Hurtin' hearts need some healin',
Take my hand with your glove of love…

17 years of The Willennium down, 983 to go…

Joey Lawrence wants to play Galactus.

…in my imaginary Dr. Strange scene, Ditko has a cameo as Stephen's estranged father and expresses cold indifference post-accident when his son reaches out…

..blur of vague childhood tv memories: Zsa Zsa on Merv and Mike and Johnny. Something about the cadence of that adorable lilting kitten purr happy voice made the lil kid me like her in that instant complete way a kid can.
Rest well Zsa Zsa, rest well darling.

(I Want To Live) In A Cho-Cho Train while Tildang at Swindmills,

Word on Sphincter Base is that General Ass and Sergeant Fartbutt find him to be a bit of a cowardly slacker.

Voice a Q-tip dick for our ear vaginas?

…for Jennifer Lawrence
Pratt has shat torrents…

Well everybody, everybody, everybody, everybody's fuckin' in a UFO…

…cancellation human race.

Gee, our old LaSalle ran great.

The whole thing stinks i tells yah, stinks.

Do you eat popcorn while watching copporn in that Range Rover?

But can your system make one a murdering millionaire methhead?

Christopher Walken is The Decepticontinental

…celebrity coprophagists and other effluvium enthusiasts rejoice at the offal news.

…but just because they can suck a dick; that does not guarantee they will suck a dick. Will 50 be package presenting for suckling in person?