B Sven

Sounds a lot better than "Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road"

Thanks for all the genuine meat world chuckles over the years, guess this place will be wasteland when TS Kinja drops, so have a good one multi-dada man.
Hey, speaking of droppings, swarm this place with dada doo before it dies.
I wouldn't mind seeing a list of all your dada handle variations cuz my memory is shot.

Master of 96 garbage puppets?

"Don't get hooked on imagination…It can lead to terrible, horrible things."

No pleasant trembling followed by a loving lightness?
No sensation of her inner thighs warming your ears?
You might be doing it wrong.

Linger lickin' good.

"In America, with all of its evils and faults, you can still reach through the forest and see the sun. But we don't know yet whether that sun is rising or setting for our country."
Rest well, Mr. Gregory, rest well.

Wyndam Earle?

Black Lodge claims another bastard.

Yes indeed, it's a veritable clown car orgy going on under there. I didn't want to say anything before, discretion and all, but since you brought it up…
And thank you and your colorful carnal chums for dining on my endless Buffet of Nightmares. It should sustain you all for generations to come…

The person who's really laughing out loud at someone's appearance is the coroner doing your autopsy.
Those watching offer polite quiet chuckles when he uses the linoleum knife to peel your face off.
The Strike Team eliminating your entire bloodline do so dispassionately and silently…

I like you clown.
You may stay under my bed as long as you want.
I appreciate how clean you keep it down there, and also really appreciate seeing that red nose on the bedknob letting me know that I will hear the joyous passionate honking of two clowns under my bed.

Gotta get all the winding tangents in now before Kinja kills the fun.

Liefeld was uncredited consultant for Butler's jaw-unhinged screeching.

May we not live in interesting times?

See also:

Consider as well, Laura fucked a lot of guys for money, but she made love to James Hurley.
Another clue for cool.

You ate 24 humans?

Yep, right down to Prez Shit-Chet's vaycay while they try to air out the dump he's stinking up.

Attack of the 25 foot human?