B Sven

Size of sores post sarcaustic touch upon Giant-Man's thing in handjack mishap?

ho ho ho

If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go, because, man, they're gone.
Fries are of the moment.
Old fries transformed into hashbrowns create a new moment.

I had too many open tabs already.

Before bottoming out she realizes she is but a life support system for a chaos ass, something she can never leave behind…

Words like bullshit, fuck, and pussy make the rounds in all sorts of professional pieces these days.

Is Darth Cheeto that defective traffic cone robot with a lust for Gungans or the rabid Ewok that can't stop humping the comlink?

Twishitter is glimpse into the competing currents of the psychospheres; the buzz of the egoslave hivetribes jockeying for an ephemeral imaginary supremacy over illusions and ideologies; to use or abuse or amuse, often petty competition urination in wired humanity's mindtoilet where defecating delusional demagogues

…there was a nanosecond, name hit retinas, thoughts of Glass in our favorite year, fear of another loss, rest of headline read and sense of relief, and then delights of the tales of this lovely man.

Rid Kock

21 day salute.
…truly this man was the son of god.

yah broke your personal standard about leaking negativity outta your head 'n adding more into the buzz o' the hive.
Be better than you were yesterday, remember that today, and repeat again tomorrow.

Tackier Anaemia Mega Rag
Emaciate Gaga Rainmaker
Anti Karma Image Acreage

That's all well and good nerds, but we are revoking Lambda Lambda Lambda's charter on this campus; we found the video surveillance equipment in the Pi Delta Pi house.
Furthermore, you are expelled, you will be arrested, convicted, and face registration as sex offenders.

nor do i
so ready for departure

Kind of you, fellow person on a device…;-)
Be well, as well.

You betcha, and lets really get the balls rolling for a true Matriarchal society with a vast culling: it will make the surviving males far more tractable.
mea culpa again on the misandry, depression not my excuse, just an explanation, been intermittent dealing with dark thought phases since childhood, they will cycle

I have a cigar clipper with Mickey Rourke's dick in its sights.

Why must horrifics be minimized to sooth the fragility of men's egos and vile sense of entitled selfish privilege?
I should not type when down, cuz twisted thoughts come out, but sometimes i think it would be best for the future of humanity to simply exterminate half the men off the face of the planet right now.

What is wrong with me that the first thing I think of when reading is Jesus Christ fuckin' the Easter Bunny?