B Sven

“Your head's like mine, like all our heads; big enough to contain every god and devil there ever was. Big enough to hold the weight of oceans and the turning stars. Whole universes fit in there! But what do we choose to keep in this miraculous cabinet? Little broken things, sad trinkets that we play with over and

…but Defenestrating Puppies has X-mas splattered all over it.

…Well I died a million times
And I picked my culture well
And I built myself a gate
They can all now go to hell

…Who's gonna teach you how to dance?
Who's gonna show you how to fly?
When you get tired of the crap baby, move over here
And maybe buy some of mine…

Eternal Deathengine unending fueled with relentless clockwork juggernaut of time eventually subsumes the fracturing patchwork of short-timer spells, all the more reason for magicks to march on…

You two are invited to come slow dancing with me and Barney Frank at the Glenn Miller show.

…some of those ties were like lobster bibs..;-)

Sometimes seems like all the childhood joys have turned to ash.

Where does Barney Rubble getting drunk on Miller high life fit in?

…which reminds me, at least 2017 will bring Twin Peaks back.

i still want to read Blood on the Badge.

Rapture has been ruptured.
Its free hell for all !

Sometimes you fuck the year…and sometime the year fucks you.

…slides into place like an expected Tetris piece..;-)

Is it rude to refer to her as First Pussy?

You may be on the cusp of unexpected pleasures in discovering the treasure of Barney Miller…

Rest well Mr Glass, rest well.

The twist?
They were in Aslan's litter box all along.

Tried Moon Girl.
Got slapped with restraining order.
Called me a devil, a dinosaur.

Rest well, Florence, rest well…