B Sven

Find the right feline friend and just go for it.
Gonna be moving in a 'lil gray stray i found at work one night. Had brought her to my wife's place last month but the disruption to the other three cats' equilibrium hasn't improved with the addition of this female feisty feral savage with no respect for the pecking

May it fly by safe for yah, and somehow maybe be less chaotic than the usual yearly ritual…;-)

As long as you're offering…well, I'm standing close by with zipper down and coconut oil on hand, giving thanks..;-)

The orange butterball emperor has gobbled some banal trite words again.

Nightworker and the kratom is kicking in, so should be happy, and The Company provides a free meal of prime rib or bird, which remains a nice gesture after all these years.
Happy Thanksgiving to all the clubbers and clubbers' beloveds…

No one is innocent.
At least Colbert didn't stuff a bird with his dingus and fuck a turkey while on the phone.

Wonder what the Black Friday stampede body count will be this year?
Trample some skulls and claim your crap, American phuquewit savages, we expect nothing less from you brainwashed trough-hustling human swine…

Make America Great Satan Again

…a sad lil cocktail weenie that will never know the comforts of a warm moist bun…

…I am surfing the Serling Wave…

…communion wafers and Thunderdome!

…desolate existence once more afflicted by the hope of altering a past mistake—a hope which is, unfortunately, doomed to disappointment. For warnings from the future to the past must be taken in the past; today may change tomorrow, but once today is gone tomorrow can only look back in sorrow that the warning was

"The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices to be found only in the minds of men. For the record: Prejudices can kill, and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a

Master of Buffets

Since you asked…

Jabba was just a little too into erotic asphyxiation for her tastes.

"This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."

Harvester of Marrow
Master of Buffets
Ride the Whitening

If the Falcon is a-rockin', don't come a-knockin'…

Crucifix dildo and Virgin Mary fleshlight to really put the pussy on the J&M Chainwax…