B Sven

With viscosity of nocturnal webbing a spasmodical marvel of radioactive tenacity…

The Great Trumpkin rose from the most insincere pussy patch offering curdled deathvenom for eager fearful acolytes, its hostility engine needlefeast ablaze in a rancid hell of echoing mirrors.

Still hoping to see a Coen Bros. version of a science fiction film someday…

Hey man, when yah gettin' back together with Paul Semen ?

Could not resist the urge to spread this gem about,
but i attributed you, Liebkartoffel
{aka Mr-Best-Post-Of-The-Thread}

Mars is an inhospitable deathtrap, can we send Ship B there?

Torrents Of Shit

…one down, 7.4 billion to go for that ideal beautiful world…;-)

Nun So Vile

Anus Sized D'oh

Hillary & Trump: The Final Showdown

…the results on his possible homo sapienism remain inconclusive…

…a very special clay comprised of assorted manures and other unmentionable offal…

His soothing and strong voice might have a calming effect on our nation's distorted psychospheres…;-)

Auf Achse

Thanks for sharing.
We'll let them know.

You keep using that word.
I do not think it means what you think it means.

It is more of a TURDIS really.

Keep on humpin' your buffalo, buddy.

Ah, i get it now.
You are trying to convince yourself.