B Sven

I suppose you really are as stupid as you seem to be, probably even far more stupider than we will ever know.

In the land of the blind, One-Eye still ain't king.

If One-Eye lies again, does anyone even care?

You triggered nothing but laughter at your ingrained incurable idiocy.
You are delusional, ignorant, and very very stupid, a deplorable redneck, one could say to be kind.
Everyone knows about Bill; he had his downfall already.
Now is the time where the lunatic traffic cone is falling.
Either Prez trump or Madam

In that highly unlikely scenario, i'm sure a sane secret service agent would put a bullet or six through lunatic trump's shit-packed skull.

…the dozens of ponygirls Leo keeps in his stables?


That night, I had a dream. I drifted off thinking about happiness, birth and new life, But now I was haunted by a vision of…He was horrible…A man with all the powers of Hell at his command. He could turn turn the day into night and lay to waste everything in his path. He was especially hard on little things—the

My god sits in the back of the limousine
My god comes in a wrapper of cellophane
My god pouts on the cover of the magazine
My god's a shallow little bitch trying to make the scene
I have arrived and this time you should believe the hype
I listened to everyone now I know that everyone was right
I'll be there for you as long

Body bags can be made from flags.

…and you are fine candidate for Handsome Boy Modeling School…

"What am I talkin' about? I'm talkin' about sex, boy, what the hell you talkin' about? I'm talkin' about l'amour! I'm talkin' that me and Dot are swingers, as in "to swing." I'm talkin' about wife swappin'. I'm talkin' about what they call nowadays open marriage. I'm talk…."

In breaking news, Bone and laughin' Chewbacca Mama have initiated a whirlwind romance…

ah yes,
be wary of:
the "barsanti clause"

Good you're still around in a refreshed guise.
Cool you make a living with the word worlds.
Anything we may have seen?

Do you hear her voice in your head?
Is she just fanciful riffing?
Does she exist as magickal thought form, a tulpa?
Does she fulfill a void, a nurturing of the imagination, or need to care for other?
Seen as vision or lucid dream?
A view of that parallel universe where it worked out and love brought her forth?
How old and



You're right.
Each issue had a density of incident that few books do.

…or in addition to even.