B Sven

…sexy tractors 'n trucks dumpin' 'n pickups by the dozens; it's an earthy carnal wonderland out there in the country.

“…he simply couldn’t bear the idea of one less smile in the world.”
Why am i not surprised.
You beautiful tender funny big-hearted man.
I loved you as a child and i love you now.
Requiescat in pace, Mr. Wilder.

40 ounces.
I've only been able to down 8 ounces of that Old English Furniture Polish. Sure, its a wild ride but that temporary blindness the next day is just too jarring.

Is she ever.
Be amazed at her internal containment capacity.
She is portraying the Ark itself!

…think i have an odd soft spot for such weirdly out of date lingo, and the word haberdashery delights as well..;-)

…I think you probably have your next article right there.

PG's costume has such perfect distinctive simplicity in so many ways.
Fancy armor does seem like way too much work.

Sounds like One-Eye's passionate feelings about Ann have rubbed off on you a little bit.
If you're omni-sexual, and not just a sex addict, maybe you can connect and help One-Eye rub one out ?
Perhaps an accelerated relationship of depth and love, and not mere rutting like dogs in an alley somewhere.

…i did wonder if flesh-tone tights might help you avoid some of that excruciating hair-removal fun, but then figured if you're going all out, you're going all out with no shortcuts..;-)

…and in the ecumenical universe, Thor and Yahweh are long-time lovers, and Moses, Jesus, and Muḥammad, et al. are best of friends and have a special super club they like to call The Propheteers…

Not horrible, it was a fun photo, and a fun read, and thanks for posting.

…or a Bene Gesserit !

…the magical magnifying glass of the mind can turn any 'lil smokie into a plantain.

…visited a friend at the insane asylum once (oops, sorry, emotional care unit) and this other patient, a young man in 4 point restraints strapped to a bed locked in a room, kept shrieking:
"Look at the arc light! It helps your eyes!
Look at the arc light! It helps your eyes!"
over and over and over again.
It was a tad

…and when the children fight—let them know it ain't right…

Tippi St. Clair and MrsLangdonAlger:
Thank you both for incisively elevating the discourse and pointing out truth.
Please never stop, love your comments.

I do not think it means what you think it means…

"Faith No More have often accused RHCP of ripping off their sound."

Styling, you know he ain't styling…

…he was terrible in a good way.