B Sven

Kiedis on hearing Epic, i believe, kicked off the 'feud.'
Seems a bit of an outlier stylistically when considering how versatile Patton's vocals are. At the time, i had the impression of a vaguely Mosleyesque {but better} vibe being presented on Epic, perhaps for transitional smoothness cuz MP had gotten the new gig

"…Smiling with the mouth of the ocean
And I'll wave to you with the arms of the mountain…"

…flesh for fantasy…

Still not obsession until you go the extra mile and get a clone made…

You are more than right good sir!!

…I love you Helen Mirren…


Peel this VisageTome from the world anytime and flush it away, please.

…or like some anal birthing out of Voldemort after getting banged by the Tall Man somewhere in Skeletonland…

Even as a kid, Avengers #200 seemed really f'ed up;
thank the makers for conjuring Avengers Annual #10.

Back when i was a weird(er) kid, i really wanted to hear Tigra purr and would have gladly been putting out fire with gasoline to do so…

Ponygirl School

"Yimaman see noygel, see refacull, see nod a bah, see naytoss, retee fo sellos."

Hence: "valid…for some."

I resemble these remarks, Sarge.
Always thought Blood Sugar Sex Magick could have been edited down into a stronger album, and disappointment with most of One Hot Minute left that cassette gathering dust, and triggered my farewell to the band.
Any later albums checked out of the library due to lingering nostalgia had

…which they share.

You are correct.
It is only a matter of time before Patton takes him to court for violating the restraining order…

…take me to the AV Club…

…I agree, take the Higher Ground, no need to Taste the Pain, just keep Walkin' On Down the Road or ride a Subway to Venus past this Backwoods brouhaha; We Care a Lot and don't feel the call to Be Aggressive like some Jizzlobber From Out of Nowhere, as The Gentle Art of Making Enemies ain't too Epic…