B Sven

…oh well, i suppose its time to upload that video of Gutfeld enthusiastically belting out Sir Psycho Sexy to Youtube…

Big ditto there.
20 years back, it was easy to love both Patton and the Peppers…today, for me, Patton still gets love and the Peppers are relegated to rememberance what the younger self once dug during certain moments in time.


That is pretty funny.
But really though, this guy has been vilified enough already, hasn't he?
Talented though he be in the water, he obviously ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
Isn't this getting to be a little bit like picking on a born simpleton past the point of humour?

I support this policy.
Think about it folks.
I'm no prude at all, but that 'd' word and its variants ain't too cool to use in this way.
Its a valid feminine hygiene product for some and using it as an insult for dudes seems like it kinda veers into a neighborhood of unconscious acceptable sexism.
Maybe leave it as

Aside from aesthetically pleasing visuals…anyone else find this tedious?

Weren't they saying that 20 years ago?

Space Jesus may be DTF, but prefers to make slow sweet love…

Rod Stewart started it to distract from his own "stomach pumped/cum overdose" urban legend.

Syphilis, however, is one class act…


…We let so many dreams just slip through our hands.
Why must we wait so long before we'll see how sad
the answers to those questions can be…

Joker Poker Stroker Ace choker

…or augmentation into a Harley Quinn/Joker movie ?

Maybe when Marvel tries again…it'll be a giant size Man-Thing.

Go ahead and write it then.

The sad scourge of sexual leprosy misadventures…

When i was a kid, i thought Crystal Gayle should play Medusa in a Fantastic Four movie…

I was a pretty young kid when that song came out, and something about the lyrics got my attention, made me wonder in befuddlement about adults..;-)

The Pudendum Agendum