B Sven

…and because narcolepsy is one of the side effects of re-life, they call him Stuporman now…

…sending the Fantastic Four back to our time…

…and his arc reactor…

Gay alien female captain ?

…that particular toast goes well with Pennyroyal Tea…

…only Rhinot Noir will do…

Feel the Byrne,
and learn of the Byrne Ultimatum,
at Byrneing Man 2016!

Uncle Ben is the burgler!
He murdered Martha Wayne!

On a real extra special bender, DB transforms into

The guy who climbed Trump himself played Salacious Crumb…

…BvS certainly was sunshine and lollypops compared to
We Need to Talk About Green Arrow

Mustafargot, get Sullust sometimes…

Sometimes I've been to cryin' for unborn children
That might have made me complete But I, I took the sweet life and never knew I'd be bitter from the sweet, I spent my life exploring the subtle whoring that cost too much to be free

…and that record was Get Nervous… The TimeSpace Query Conundrum?

…those four + Capaldi for a new Five Doctors for the 55th anniversary…

…farting is its own defense…

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds…"

…yes indeed, the Trumperbung Poo-spewer model…

…thank you most kindly for using your unholy powers for good…sounds like you could make the world into even more of a vile slurry were you to be crossed…