B Sven

Sometimes kinda still wish could truly deeply re-believe in love…
…other than love as the marketing plan for lust.

Frisky Dingo Season Three
…seems like an inevitability, but i'm probably lost in wishful thinking again.

Yeah, what you said better is actually how I feel as well.
A penchant for hyperbole in the service of wiseassery frequently results in failure of words on a screen or only amusing myself.
That habit often comes back to bite me on the butt…chuckles…especially when I lapse into that mode in work emails.

Bin Dovre & Krakas Mile ?

Stridemint Twinmothers ?

All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.

Stridetwin Mintmothers ?

We don't mind fine tangents like this darting through the threads, in fact we like them.

Good points on pleasures of clarity.
As someone who enjoys weaving through the different voices of these interlaced threads, having previously noted the brusque prose positioning tone of Sinjun's posts, i personally read his "dropped" as he intended, but also saw the potential for confusion that could be prompted in

Kudos for escaping that thing that did that to you.

They were originally going to go with: "Drink Laidweiser and start fuckin'" but decided to take it down a notch.

…excellence in expression via Dān Jurzōn

Can a case can be made that The Ghost 'o EZE contributes more to the club than does Ashley Ray-Harris ?

Guess again, presumptive padawan, would-be mind-reader with a hint of asinine arrogant assumption.

Good catch. They'll likely fix that thanks to you.

Whenever i hear a variation of that, seems like a perverse suggestion of some kind of lift-your-mood-through-Schadenfreude therapy.

"Only what we have lost forever do we possess forever. Only when we have drunk from the river of darkness can we truly see. Only when our legs have rotted off can we truly dance. As long as there is death, there is hope."

The Melvins are magnificent; may they never stop conjuring music.

“I have gazed into the abyss, and the abyss has gazed into me. And neither of us liked what we saw.”

So a female director will miraculously make this overly familiar government sanctioned serial killer's adventures of sexing and slaughtering less boring?