B Sven

…puts me in mind of Persis Khambatta and her glorious gorgeous exquisitely shaped skull; more beautiful bald than adorned with hair…

Did you say: "Wow, thank you so very much my genius Grandpeppy; now how the hell do i get it out of my head and keep it out?"

Maybe watching some of her interactions with Craig Ferguson can cure you of that defect of perception.

…on his neighbor's mate's side.

…and thrive even, despite his lack of empathy.

…or perhaps depressed for never knowing the pure tender love of Dax Shepard.

"Critical reception for Team Human has been positive. Publishers Weekly praised the authors' ability to poke affectionate fun at vampire tropes while creating a memorable story, calling it 'part Nancy Drew with vampires, part thoughtful and provocative story about assumptions.'"

Oxycontin, THC, DMT, morphine, kratom…hmm, should really probably stop self-medicating, but way too far gone at this point to ever conceive of seeking accepted societal treatment for dealing with the black dog…

My World of Flops is usually quite well done, but this effort fell way short for me: too many distracting adverbs, whiny unfunny tone, unconvincing extrapolations of perceptual over-reach intertwined with that oh-so obvious repetitiveness you mentioned.
It inspires images of Rabin trying to hold back tears while snot

Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar eats you.

…and it seems they couldn't muster the script ability to allow Christopher Eccleston be the best Christopher Eccleston he had the potential of being in that one, severe missed opportunity.

…as much as any sexually fluid hedonistic suave galactic entrepreneur readily offering his hot Colt45 pocket bottle-rocket prime slab of Socorroian blacksnake to any willing free-wheeling gender of alien crossing his libertine pathways among the stars would be…

…somewhere from vague elsewhere Otherspheres—Bowie, Lemmy, Frey, Kantner, White, Emerson, Frank Sinatra Jr., Vanity & Prince are doing some ethereal multi-dimensional whatnot in collaboration with Rickman, Scrimm, Vigoda, Haggerty and Kennedy; also offering extra imagining : Lee and Eco; so naturally Rabier, Slocombe,

…dare it be admitted that Predator 2 is vastly preferred over the original?

…all about the parsing now.

…if only it remained that:
but then, the Entity Replicator Mirror Vomitronix Engines'
duplicationistic conjuring nets yield copies beyond countless
in ever blooming deja vu doody web birthing machineries
of ad infinitum eternal recurrence and infinite regression…

Vader and Palpatine were in quite a long-term highly power dynamics & faith-based loving homosexual relationship that only deteriorated due to strong differing opinions concerning child-rearing…

…had a childhood memory, thought for moment may have been confabulating, but after quick research turns out was not the case…

…lets just merge those Golden Globes with them Oscars; redesign the statuette vis-à-vis change from masculine form to feminine or intersex fusion at least for the bounty of breasts are truly the goldenest globes of all…