B Sven

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That "life debt" thing: a long term partnership/marriage between Han 'n Chewie with all the wild interspecies masculine lovin' you can imagine; and absolutely no jealousy when a sexually fluid scoundrel takes a passionate detour with a princess, cuz Chewie and Han are just that secure…

…they are scientists always experimenting with new gatekeeper/keymaster configurations…

All Astromech droids and IG-88 type models have always been as transgendered and polymorphously adaptable as any programmable construct could be a long time ago in a galaxy far far away….

R2 and C3 were old school "gay" like Laurel & Hardy: happy; happy to be long time bickering pals in an asexual way. As droids, programming & restraining bolts create a willing functional slave for the master, so it was Luke Skywalker who had the gay relationships with the droids; R2 is hermaphroditic mechanical

…he'll be tarted up a tad for the picture show: "PogoStilt-Man" and will boing-boing about city blocks in a comical but deadly manner…
…with a telescoping dildocock implied but not shown…

…like some expected recurring deja vu, the grim inevitability that has been there all along cascades into place for tumbles through the fractal halls of replicating mirrors…

…ah yes, and yet the threat potential of nut-crushing ball-pulping testicle-exploding mech-grip mishaps only make the neutering allure all the more tantalizingly magical…

…were not Darth and Palpatine in a long term committed homosexual relationship that went south in some dispute about children ?

…you, on the other hand Betty,
or Mrs Robinson, are an open book, you're trying to seduce us, Mrs Robinson.

Donny T Rump's Big Huge Dump Doctrine

…now his bliss is spiking H and bangin' on a hammock…

…is cool seeing all the love for this book a decade later; hope it inspires Ellis & Immonen to revisit…

…reminds me of the villain in the auditorium packed with selves in the Ronnie Rocket screenplay…

…this should certainly replenish his supply of meow meow beans; if not instigate a fresh batch of chirp chirp seeds or bark bark pills…

…when all positive thinking mental con jobs fail; when the new normal is innate sorrow, that paralyzing nihilistic despair beyond even any respite conjured by thoughts of oblivion—good news; you may be cycling back up into an approximation of a simulacrum of a functional if fraudulent joy…

…constant adoration is a drug, and maintaining a habit builds a tolerance, so Oscar Gilded Dildo Night is the big binge blowout for all the industry junkies in Heroinwood to hear how great they are from the other junkies…

…far too many to count;
it is a minority of winners, countable on a double-amputee's remaining digits, who have not used "Oscar, the Gilded Dildo" in a sexual manner, not only the old in-out in-out utilizing the familiar orifice trifecta, but also carving new orifices into those less worthy of being given a magic

…as always: the casual daisy chain of sodomy that concludes the stultifying nonsense; from the first round robin where the "winners" surprise the "losers" with golden head of Oscar into anus, and the second session where "winners" lovingly lube and linger with other "winners" while holding mirrors so they can stay