B Sven

…the ritual sacrifice of Brandon Lee only ensured Proyas one masterpiece…

…perhaps this engine of images will also conjure a shytheap of toys no one wants…

The sort of film where one ponders from the luxury of freedom just how many other secret prisoners are out there who haven't yet escaped…

Pointlessness begats more pointlessness in the ongoing industry ego feed and circle jerk…

…entertaining prostitute wives, law enforcement princesses and pole vaulting nuns…

…that'll really help Diaper Man put the pussy on the chainwax…

“Lord Peckerton” & “High Priestess Clitanna” will be very pleased…

" So Long, Piggy…You will be avenged! "

…punches may be thrown and buildings might crumble, energy may crackle, quips might fly, in thick coating lotion of slow motion…

"The turkey baster packed with stem cells and other special sauces is ready…"

…these six slices of new x-files pie sure ran the gamut along the spectrum of the expected: familiar delights blended with the familiar cringes; off-balance distractions between chatter and action; lack of mastery over pace and place; unintentional amusements born of a certain earnest obviousness in execution;

Mel can be in- Mad Dad: Furry Road…
…upgrade from hand puppet to full on beaver suit.

Dr. Shrinker, Dr. Shrinker, he's a madman with an evil mind.

Vigoda was indeed generous in sharing the abundant harvest; some even wove blankets for orphans with a special yarn of ear, nose, pube, back, etc…

…from the Otherealms Beyond, Abe Vigoda is currently working with Tall Man Angus Scrimm's firm to send some shiny flying silver orbs your way, for you have disgraced his precious gift of pubes for profit…

Ringo gives his assorted hairs away for free; Barbara Bach, however…

You've got to hide your love away.

…or train the clones to kill MDC with love is all you need.

…why Thankee Galactic Yo-Yo for the delightful vision of that particular parallel Earth; think it might be the same one where they spell it Beatlesteam Bears…

…loathe to elaborate, but joke had nothing whatsoever to do with his obvious vast wealth; more so his beloved generous affability.
I'm sure the market value of Ringo's pubes will skyrocket once he reunites with George and John…