B Sven

…and Sir Paul's nose hairs can be had for the price of a silly love song.

We gotta make sure Mark David Chapman is kept far far away from the clones….

No worries. They are going to convert Scalia's buoyant carcass into some form of flatulent bonerized joy-stick controlled jet-ski and ride it proudly up the Potomac onto a jump ramp through a burning hoop, and the remaining plumes of methane are expected to alight upon passing causing a celebratory patriotic explosion

Ringo Starr's pubes are free for the asking.

Ah, love, sweet sweet love; that oh so successful marketing plan for lust. ..

Tase them in the mouth.

…they should really be arrested and charged with assault, but I suppose the money-machine behind the show doesn't want their high profile employees causing unrest and ill will amongst the rabid faithful; give the cast free tasers at least.
Anyone know what tasing someone in the mouth would be like ?

Have you also researched the staggering amount of false narratives some questionable elements of the law enforcement community have been spinning since…oh lets just say 1913 for the heck of it…to cover their institutionalized criminal activities?

Spermicide is a good thing.

Perhaps some will learn the hard walkin' truth: " I just never realized until just this moment how easy it is to cut someone in half with a machete. "

For some reason, I now picture Deadpool dismembering Kanye and juggling 50% of his body parts…

“ I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom. ”

It would seem we have members of law enforcement leadership enslaved to reductive simplicity who will brook no disruption or questioning of the hero-cop-that-can-do-no wrong mythology. Do we actually have unflappable philosophers with keen psychological insights into the human condition as a baseline temperament for

I would dispute the frequent lazy label "recluse" that gets thrown around. She loved being anonymous during her NYC days, and was also a Mets fan.
RIP Harper Lee

…perfectly transcendent over the infection. Purity and hope. Upon further pondering, a Zombie Jesus seems too lazy and obvious anyway. Maybe what I described earlier more reflects the fears and doubts of Thomas during the training, fomented by the manipulation and jealousy of Judas ?

Chris Brown is hosting a contest; only the most rabid fans are eligible to win their very own brutal beating; delivered via the loving soulful fists of the Brown clown personally…

…perhaps your aetherial eroticism will convince TPTB @ HBO to start showing 'Modern Problems' again on a daily basis…

…also, all the astronauts have been robots or replicants.

…in your scenario, would Jerusalem Slim, on some level, also be secretly training his 12 devoted disciples for tending with his own impending zombiehood post-crucifiction?

"Glorious, is it not? The creatures who walk its surface, always looking to the light, never seeing the untold oceans of darkness beyond. There are more humans alive today than in all of its pitiful history. The Garden of Eden. A garden of flesh."