B Sven

"There is a secret song at the center of the world…and its sound is like razors through flesh."

"Burn? Oh, such a limited imagination!"

"No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering."

Rick & Morty/Doc & Marty team up ?

"Explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some. Angels to others."

For some reason, now the notion of Charlie Brown beating on the little red haired girl has crawled into (and now out) of my brain…
…til by the color Sunday strip Brown shouts "Sydney or the bush" with each brutal punch he lands upon her face until she is red with blood, as are his fists; a horrified Linus looks on, and

" I was on a crashing airplane. The old man
next to me was praying. Down and down we
went. I started hitting the old man with a
rolled up magazine, yelling, "Pray harder,
old man!"

…when Replicon 3 began to phase-shift-overlay from the universe closest to yesterday, all the Underspheres where variants of the Simpsonian Institute triggered the Frink beacon, sending a focused convergence and proliferation wave throughout the Comment Box Continuum, voices from subtle curtains fluttered between

Like turds through a tumblr, so are the trolls of our lives…

…no mention of Tennessee Trembles, Kentucky Shudders, Mississippi Shivers or Arkansas Grand Mal Seizures ?

…blenderheaded bughouse held together with loose bloody threads, preemptive pipedreams of associative affection, saturated sticky mugwump jism of belief; certain asinine developments painted over with another ‘maybe next time…’

"I think in one of my previous lives I was a mighty king, because I like people to do what I say. " — Jack Handey (…& Kanye)

"…she asked if it would hurt,
i smiled and said no,
the lie ran down my chin like embryo,
she smiles like a corpse,
like zombies eating dust in Mexico,
life dries cold beneath the dead soul lights,
when death sleeps it dreams of you…"

…yet a spartan wasteland unfolds in Deen Gray's "Casket Base"

Buck Fuddies and the Viscosity Equation

…for some reason, thought this happened already with the game, like a decade ago.

“Different Strokes: The Movie”
Christopher Walken was playing Mr. Drummond,
with Ice-T as Willis
Ice Cube is Arnold.
“What the FUCK you talking about Willis!”
Kimberly was portrayed by Traci Lords.

"JANE, a former prostitute and stripper and still a sexpot buxom gal Friday, awakes from sleeping in the nude and slowly oils, massages and shakes her pendulous breasts playfully, ready to cheerfully motorboat a new day in service to her only reason for living, her boss—DICK: decorated ex-soldier turned self-made CEO


…the ever-shifting definitional spectrum of the seemingly ubiquitous & ultimately meaningless 'hipster' designate gets rendered through patterns of reset and perceptual recastings as generational observers cycle through the relentless gears of time forced upon all due to the life-cycle engine's relentless assault