B Sven

Let Me Pump It in Your Rump by Donald Trump

Alfred & Batman were rocking a Frenchie & Moon Knight vibe at the outset.

…the finest flavor of all possible lubes is that wonderful nectar, an exquisite ambrosia, conjured by Precious Beloved in her private heavenly haven during those otherworldly timeless intimacies…

How are Cortana and Siri getting along with each other these days ?

Will check it out when the first six issues show up at the library later this year in collected form; art is not necessarily a deal breaker, but would have preferred some old-school Byrne/Austin styling instead…

C'mon now, no need for legal shite; Chewbacca would have fixed the door eventually; he was just really focused on getting that damn hyperdrive going again…

…maybe they will change the name of the show to: "Lunchbox & Nu-Porkins Explain It All."

…at least in this age of all secrets known, no primarily shit-based human can hide indefinitely…

"…sorry Chaz, but it was 1990, and Homer Simpson speaking no less, so not too shabby considering…"

"Animals" always syncs up perfect with C-span and political rallies…

"…all the devils do the work of god
In this season of the world's demise…"

"I have something to say to all the sons out there. To all the boys, to all the men, to all of us. It's about women, and how they are not mere objects with curves that make us crazy. No, they are our wives, they are our daughters, our sisters, our grandmas, our aunts, our nieces and nephews. Well, not our nephews.

…because "Shitter" was just too honest of a description…

"Time destroys everything."

Do you wear the mark?

…then you shall accept his little whip, angling for a dirty black summer as sistinas sing the praises of new manhard love blossoming under her black wings ?

They will rename it: TITANUS

Make it so.

…i am now swayed; Lindsay Wagner for Ash's bionic Momma could be a delight.