B Sven

…it has been said that particular carpet had a genuine unifying factor w/r/t the living space…

Jughead must not be pressured; given time he will be free-wheeling and enthusiastic in opening up about the true erotic nature of his highly sexual relationship with his burgers; also, Jughead is no vulgarian; he will not share any burgers he has known in a biblical sense with the Riverdale gang, as the "special

Bruce/Lee. Yes, this will work just fine; but hiring Lindsay Wagner to play his mom might be distracting…

William Shatner inebriated could portray quite an amusing Trump.

Captain America and his proud & mighty jutting shelf of pectoral breasts offer high-pressure jettisoning lactation: a hearty potent milk that tastes of freedom and exceptionalism…

Remember playing Gamera with my new pet turtle when we were coming home from the pet store, but I couldn’t get any sparks shooting out of him. There were a few when it somehow got dropped out the car window, but it just wasn’t the same. That dumb old lady in the station wagon behind us saw to that. Then, when she

“Written on a blank page in the book of night with the blood of saints at an altar of bone!”

Asylum Nine has been compromised.
Security is non-existent.
The Chief Executing Overlord of Paradoxicon
has released Lovely Hideous and the Beautiful Mutilator
into a blinding bright midnight again in the forests of mind
to haunt and drown in the open wound…
…splayed fading brains on the faltering altar,
catch all

Supreme, Majestic, Gladiator, Hyperion, Apollo, Sentry, Samaritan and…?

…favorite childhood crayola dining experiences involved sampling and savoring the rainbow of shavings that accumulated in the built-in sharpener compartment…

…nerds' stairways disarrays newts warranty disses sissy warranted tawdriness rays…

If you’re too embarrassed to fart in a crowded elevator, you are probably not yet ready to light your fart in a crowded elevator.

…soon comes the slow-tempo emotionally melancholy dramatic reading version of: "Milk, milk, lemonade 'Round the corner, fudge is made…"

While it’s commonly known that Beethoven went deaf, hardly anyone remembers all those many warnings his mother gave him about pushing those Q-tips way too far into his earholes.

Though the outcome of the classic confrontation between Man vs. Train
is rarely in doubt, it is a testament to the human spirit, and also a
celebration of optimism that some people continue to try.

…as frozen little man broke into his disembodied aura breathing deceptive images fashioning her fossils cut into the halls; phantasmal vapors danced through the room with a ringing; transmuting hoggish dialogue started against the wall pointing systems past the trees…

"Arm yourself when the Frog God smiles and foetuses swirl loudly within the glass at skies whose dreams they cannot hold."

Swimming pool with legs in the air, space in the black, hose for the new city in-between; ravenous and tender quaking whispers shelter memories of a lie, drill down below the cord; blood was hit during the discharge…

Roddy McDowall, oh yeah, devil indeed he was.

…i liked Roddy McDowall showing up on Fantasy Island as the devil.
Imagination was always painting way more activities going down there than what we were actually shown.