B Sven

Exploding Demon Monkey

…an object of horror, and tender, and the veins of it whisper hungry…

…them wiener doggies sure were adorable; wish i didn't have the notion that some sort of monstrous hot dog loving behemoth was going to appear at the end and start munching them down…

Bourne Innocent

…spoiler—now he calls himself: " Mant "

Love: the marketing plan for lust.

…nothing to get hung about…

…only if loose associations of foggy-headed blended notions while bouncing about a dozen drifting interests in a kratom/marijuana/wine diffused haze while sleep-deprived trigger internal crossover points & linkages & chuckles in roughly a similar manner..;-)

"When all thermonuclear sources of energy are exhausted a sufficiently heavy star will collapse. Unless fission due to rotation, the radiation of mass, or the blowing off of mass by radiation, reduce the star's mass to the order of that of the sun, this contraction will continue indefinitely. In the present paper we

…the waste management logistics of the sheer tonnage of dog feces that big red monster named Clifford must conjure seem staggering. Does that family own a backhoe and a dumptruck?

Is she involved with Basketball Jones ?

…i heard they had to bake 88 pies…

…seems mere goof riffing on 'civil' may've slipped beneath the rift in translation..;-) [am actually likely to be 10 year old kid inside and enjoy all the haymakers n hellfire out of this flick]
My favorite Bendis superhero stuf was his Daredevil & alias runs, a decade back. These days, by going on trying library

Fighter of the Nightman
Champion of the Sun
You're a Master of Karate
and friendship for everyone…

…that reference really rolled me down memory lane to a night in '82, when the cops showed up to arrest my older brother for some kind of involvement in a motorcycle theft and other illicit hi-jinks; and as they cuffed him and led him to the back of the cruiser, he sang that very song, escalating maniacally all the

"Interestingly, these density shock waves exhibit a transition from 'subsonic' with compression at the back to 'supersonic' with compression at the front of the population as the intensity of the external flow increases. This behavior is the result of a nontrivial interplay between hydrodynamic interactions and

"Motile and driven particles confined in microfluidic channels exhibit interesting emergent behavior, from propagating density bands to density shock waves. A deeper understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for these emergent structures is relevant to a number of physical and biomedical applications. Here,

Perhaps these glimpses are a ruse…and it will indeed be civil, and there will be no flying of fists, or blasting of beams, or combat or explosions of any kind; nor teasing seeing of shiny stones or choppy chases; but instead sequences of My Dinner With Andresque compassionate conversations of potent debate in a series

Mrs. Snake Plissken had a soft spot for the pigskin ?

…did you see the piece about the Werewolf Workweek ?