B Sven

The zaftig women are gorgeous, and the softness of the extra surface area a tactile treasure.
The slender women are gorgeous as well, precious beloved exquisite softness to get lost in…
Women of all sizes, heights…ditto on all counts above!
As a wise man once said: "Some girls are bigger than others, some girls are

For some reason, i picture Trudie slowly tapping Sting on the shoulder long after she's "arrived" multiple times during a marathon amorous tantric adventure session: "You just keep enjoying yourself dear, I'm going to fall asleep now."
And she awakes in the morning to find der Shtingel still going at it…

"Force fed more than we eat in the wild
Grazed on a mash that can suffocate a child
Bloated, promoted in an ode to pomped style
Moistened in the feed while we choke upon the bile
Corner in the market on the geese without the bones
Hushing out the public in a strike without a drone
The cage became collapsable
Our sticks

…bears make love by the light of lovely flickering flames ever since they discovered fire…

…maybe Norm will show up as Colonel Sanders for some product placement/last name synergy hi-jinks.

…it ends ? hmm, must be doing something wrong.

…like Jerusalem Slim.

…but we are all meat currency to be ground up in the machinery of a world controlled by wealthy sociopaths who think they are very special indeed, so at least there is that…

I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Recently discovered the situation is much much worse than that.
Inspired by your earlier warnings, I made the mistake of confronting the fuzzy Nuffins i was cuddling with to find out just exactly what they are really up to, and long story short, they slaughtered me three times today already,

The Blackstar CD has a beautifully dark liner notes/lyrics insert to go along with the magnificent music…

…ditto, triplet.

"Spinning complacently in the darkness,
covered and blinded by a blanket of little lives,
false security has lulled the madness of this world into a slumber.
Wake up.
An eye is upon you, staring straight down and keenly through,
seeing all that you are and everything you can never be.
Yes, an eye is upon you; an eye

…been swapped out for "parsing."

…got to thinking, perhaps I judged Our Lady of the Spams too harshly, so i gave sister Frances a chance and met with her; no empire at all; turns out she's 42 and living in her mother's basement, but "takin' it in stride" Frances sez, and she goes on about her bitcoin and McLaren, and some risque "mating with my

You are welcome; have a fine fun day.

…uh-oh, now I'm starting to think I've been far too trusting and all these fuzzy Nuffins scurrying about are just waiting for the right time to strike…

Thank you kindly David Lynch.

…with kindness ?

"Well he threw one down from the top of the stairs
Beautiful women were standing everywhere
They all got wet when he smashed that thing
But off in the dark you could hear somebody sing

If I substitute trembling fetal position for Egyptian sun god pose and trade the thousands of naked women for dozens of bio-mechanical gigeresque hermaphroditic entities performing forced extractions of assorted bodily whatnots, then the answer is yes…