B Sven


Hello Friend
Unconscious yet?

…perhaps Truman has gone mountain man recluse in an old deep woods Bookhouse Boys hangout, demoralized and broken, with only the woodland ghost of Josie Packard as company; no one believes what he suspects: Bob has puppeted Cooper from time to time leaving unsolved cryptic ritual atrocities scattered across the

Loved Kolchak as a child and not understanding all those mysterious mechanics behind cancellation at the time, also recall wondering where The Night Stalker went to for a year after Kolchack had already moved along, and experiencing brief confusion and a bit of disappointment over discovering Kojak and it not being

Hoping we get to see again our fallen friends: The Log Lady, Pete Martel, and Agent Phillip Jeffries somehow through Black Lodge shenanigans…

Wolf dick will continue to remain father of dog.

Phair-to-middling tour ?

i wonder if "marcorub" will be this guy's massage franchise offering when politics thing doesn't work out? On one parallel earth he is known as notorious druglord "Narco" Rubio, while on another: an old-timey organ grinder's monkey…or is that this Earth?

For some reason, i envision the orders going down with red-faced, cigar-chomping, table-pounding Fox television executives bellowing:
"We need a goddamn knee-slappin' corker of a hit sitcom jam packed to the rafters with a whole shit-bunch of fuggin' lil potty-mouthed wiseass bastards, stat !"

It is happening again. The URLs are not what they seem.

X-Theorem Zero Files in the proto-zone on a deep fried lizard ride through slices of morphomyth? Y it was delightful.

Hot buttered corn ?

Loved Kolchak as a child; and, not understanding mechanics of cancellation at the time, recall wondering where it went a year after it was already gone, and brief confusion and disappointment over discovering Kojak and it not being what was hoped.

…it has shifted to parsing and spasming.

Let Me Pump It in Your Rump by Donald Trump
"My fellow Americans,
First of all, you look terrific.
Let me begin by saying something my so-called opponents are all too scared to say: I am 100 percent in favor of anal sex. Man-on-woman, man-on-man, gender-queer, you name it—if something can be put into and taken out of a

Doctor Dinosaur Detective ?

…securing our hoarders.

May your dreams of green snakes be fizzled by crickets in your evil magic energy vampire cult empire.

"Got to Plumb. Plumb the depths. The depths of hell."

Does your mother look like Peter Scolari ?