B Sven

"…For warnings from the future to the past must be taken in the past; today may change tomorrow but once today is gone, tomorrow can only look back in sorrow that the warning was ignored. Said warning as of now stamped 'not accepted' and stored away in the dead file in the recording office of the Twilight Zone."

Robert Arthur Fett was another in a long line of self-styled freelance underwriter/skip tracer/adventurers hooked on plutonian nyborg in a time of dead Jedi and Imperial expansionism; Robert Arthur Fett was also a notorious sex addict and knew darn well what he was getting into with that Sarlacc penetration…

…from mazes and monsters to comedian and killer, captain and castaway, papa and professor, simpleton and soldier, congressman and astronaut, conman and kid; America's bosom buddy is not Peter Scolari…

…and somewhere else Miss Grundy enjoys DP action with Moose Mason and Dilton Doiley.

Veronica of the Black Lodge…

…its an ongoing multi-dimensional movie projected in all the timelines right now/forwards/backwards in blossoming hologrammatronic hyper-bursts…

…yes, the communal Sewer-verse birthed by nations of humanity accepts all offerings from its herd; Sterculius has set those particular dingleberries all a spin around an aromatic orb left behind by Turd Ferguson in his aspect as "The Deliverer," and, as the limey pointed out, in triune conjunction with J'anus "Lord of

…and the limey also wonders what became of the beloved series of whimsical instructional books from his sprogg-hood: "Crap in the Cap" by the eminent Dr. Zeus…
[he really misses re-visiting the amusing antics of Quim 1 and Quim 2]

…In the carcass of the circus
there lay an unburned page
appointing and anointing
another mage upon a stage.

I remember it being spelled Boingshtupping Bears; my limey friend remembers it as the Beameupsteen Bears; obviously this Earth is a multiversal dumping ground, a trans-pan-galactical parallel omniversal prison/reservation system of some sorts for cosmic castaways from distant scattered shores.
Although this

…but he will make you one fine sandwich…

…uh, I had let that one float away forgotten, but now its drifting back, for the celebrifartcarcasski scene is burgeoning again…

…if they are anything like eyelice, teethmites, or bonetermites then that is a wise call…

…I think he calls it "$lo-mo anal birthing"

The weight of his earnest ratiocination in trying to understand his transpersonal experiences sometimes made me want to give the guy a hug and say: "C'mon Phil, lets just go for a walk."
The shorter 'selections from' that came out in the early 90's didn't seem to prompt that reaction. Finding the thicker version

…it appears as though the Uranus Corporation has perfected a hand held 'Brown 25' delivery system…

"Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here. If you had known anything about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would've hidden from it in terror."

O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention…

Look here Alice, Philip K. Dick could have really used that money, so sell your selfishness elsewhere sister.

…i rise from bended knee and humble bow, mighty Archmage; while i normally am loathe to put the words or initials for "loud," "out," and "laugh" anywhere near each other, must admit that was the reaction at reading your poesy, and if my timing had been off with the cup of coffee i was drinking, there could have been a