B Sven

Excellent. The plan is working then; all my friends will be there.

…and thank you again, Toole's Mom, for making the effort after your loss in getting that fantastic book out to us…

…and should you end up developing any affection for his work, PKD's Exegesis (or selections thereof) might be best as a last stop; intriguing as an artifact of his personal belief systems and seemingly endless psychological self-examinations/justifications/analysis after his mystical experiences in the early 70's,

…excellent reminder about his short stories; a taste there will lead to the larger meals…

…perhaps a Hitchcock joke as substitute ?

A Scanner Darkly
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
Transmigration of Timothy Archer
Valis trilogy

Jesus Christ Superstar performed by a troupe comprised of schizophrenic asylum inmates and those afflicted with severe genetic & intellectual disabilities…

All seems so obvious and a decade or two late to the party.

…another Manson family reunion? Surely there must be more recent cultish lunatics to examine.

I admit to a ditto on that score..;-)

…did they not forge an unexpected alliance with the Cockbombs of Bumbutter to achieve that unlikely victory ?

…from what I understand, those rascals, what they got, they want to put it in you, repeatedly, and won't stop…

…and may have had his bishop rooked a time or two as well…

Hence all the wondrous diversions and distractions from a fate we all face too soon with thoughts aeonic housed in short-timer bodies.

…tempo affinity and $ …

…maybe that old familiarity brings contempt thing or folks not wanting to admit how much they actually might have really enjoyed when younger?
…who among us has not tasted the pain of stone cold bush or partied on the pussy of a sexy Mexican maid ?

"Pretty Little Ditty" might be the best thing they've ever done: a 'lil epic in a minute and a half, no vocals; was always expecting it to show up in movies and get overused, but don't think it ever did.

Death is a cure for Time. Life is the Time you get infected with.

Beige Lukewarm Chickpeas

"…Time - He flexes like a whore
Falls wanking to the floor
His trick is you and me, boy
Time - In Quaaludes and red wine
Demanding Billy Dolls
And other friends of mine
Take your time
The sniper in the brain, regurgitating drain
Incestuous and vain,
and many other last names…"