B Sven

…he got lucky in that fall, dropped right inside a bacta tank, so good as new.

"I would love to fulfil that request, especially with politicians, but since they are made more of shit than meat, they bring little profit in the afterlife exchange, so naturally, harvesting them is a lower prority…"

"$orry folks, I'm just getting started. My Reaper Legions are on manditory overtime until future notice…" —Death

…but excellent for funeral homes.

Time is a wound that only death can heal.

Those types of Schrödinger's Shows tend to lean towards the dead spectrum…

…any delay is A-ok, if it leads to better scripts…

When are they gonna get around to making the sequel: Perdition… ?
Hanks, Craig and Law all pals now in Hell.

Ah, the soothing voice, and kind eyes of Frazier Thomas, haven't thought of him in decades; thanks Preterite, for triggering that quick warm jaunt back to simple happy times of childhood via Family Classics and its earnest host…

“They believe themselves Lucifer's equals…all these pitiful little gnats. But there is only one that we have ever owned to be our superior. There is but one greater than us, and to him… to him we no longer speak.”

“Why do they blame me for all their little failings? They use my name as if I spent my entire days sitting on their shoulders, forcing them to commits acts they would otherwise find repulsive. 'The devil made me do it.' I have never made one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live

…cool line SIIS; now, i have a fresh Morrison/Nabakov association percolating…
. . .
…when old Vladimir released final deathrattle, pale fire of regeneration consumed and subsided; then young Grant met his first breath and burst forth…

O.C. and Stiggs they were not.

So, Kanye West, Clint Eastwood, Terry Southern, and Peter North meet at a crossroads……..


"You cannot run from what you are, Comrade. Especially if what you are Includes the legs you run with!"

"Oh, Eve. If only I could see you. If only I could talk to you again, but I flew too high and broke against the walls of Heaven, Eve. You were right. I see the cruel reality behind all our hopes and dreams now. I know us for what we truly are. Not supermen but super-slaves in a synthetic prison. Playing out crummy

"Do you ever watch the Discovery Channel shows where one disgusting lion is fucking another filthy beast just like himself and for no money at all? That's about as interesting it is for me to watch smelly human trash mounting one another for bad drugs."

"Do you ever watch the Discovery Channel shows where one disgusting lion is fucking another filthy beast just like himself and for no money at all? That's about as interesting it is for me to watch smelly human trash mounting one another for bad drugs."

"The bacteria in our bellies are responsible for the farts that shame us. Tiny monsters shitting in their billions all over our pure skin create the acid reek of "our" sweat. And Slade: when the "inner voices" tell us we're unworthy or instruct us to "love" and "hate", despite our best interests… are these incessant,