
People go on shows like this because they are contractually obligated to promote their movies pretty much wherever the studio books them to go.

I babysat for people with three kids and an all white living room. How did they do it? The kids weren’t allowed in the living room. It was only for show.

You can edit a post for a short while, mostly long enough to fix typos and stuff you notice, but not so long that you get a chance to change the content if people are piling on. I can kind of see where people are coming from thinking it would be “heartless’ to dump someone because of their family, but I really don’t

Pure novelty. Very few people actually have good enough hearing to tell the quality difference between vinyl and digital, and even fewer have good enough equipment that it actually pays off. People buy vinyl and play music on records because it looks cool and amuses them. To some degree I think it’s also a rejection

I think famous people are generally much crazier than the general population.

This is good advice, with the caveat that it probably should only apply in cases where the person insists on still having a close relationship with the family. Like in the case above, where they’re having a fairly tiny wedding, the only way it’s “obvious” that the sister has to come to the wedding is if the bride also

Yeah, not sure how everybody came to believe that lacking empathy somehow means people are really smart. It’s like there’s a sociopathy marketing board out there, muddying the waters.

I think the disappearance from social media profiles is partly that women tend to gain weight when they have babies and not lose it again, so a lot of women start being hesitant to have their photograph taken once they give birth because they’re self conscious about how they look.

Possibly some needed cultural context for all of the above is that part of the tenuous equilibrium reached to keep the separatist factions in Quebec in check is the agreement that Quebec has a distinct culture that must be encouraged/protected. The result is that there is A LOT more arts and culture funding available

Definitely people can split during pregnancy and make things work out sanely, and even live together civilly, but generally those are really mature and honest people who happen to realize during a pregnancy that they aren’t really suited for one another. The sort of people who care for one another, but realize it

I contributed to this.

If anyone wants to do a deep-dive on how predictable and formulaic this “bad girl” pop star transformation is, I recommend this book:

Part of the trouble is that these people, through their inappropriate behaviour, then put you in a lose-lose situation where you either have to feel guilty about implicitly enabling them by not doing anything, or risk putting yourself out on the line by being the one to call them out on it and causing unwanted

Not the one mentioned, but PBS has a fun one called “People Like Us” that gets to the nitty gritty of class identity and performance in the US. One of my favourite parts is two catty old WASPs in the Hamptons getting pretty real about what rich people are really like, and how they can tell one another apart.

Condoms break, birth control fails but - yeah. It seems pretty obvious she was not being careful. Seems like a case where she didn’t necessarily want to prevent pregnancy, and he just assumed she was taking care of things on her end.

By design, though. They were sad to lose her because she was actually one of their most skilled bullshitters. Er, I mean she was their best surrogate. Which means she knows how to spin a yarn and push a narrative.

Yes. Good on Sam for having enough self-respect to say, “Um, no.” Because someone who will lie about dumb, basic stuff like what city they live in will lie about pretty much anything. Especially if they describe the lie as just slipping out. That’s someone who habitually lies, and you do not want to be in a

That’s one solution, I guess

That seems like a bad plan to have when your wife is 40 years old.

My mom wanted five. After a breech/emergency C-section and a child somehow allergic to breast milk and plagued by health probles on her second, she decided two was plenty.