
What I don’t get is this: Trump keeps saying that America bears an unfair burden when it comes to protecting allies and upholding global stability, and that other countries are going to need to increase their defense spending because the US isn’t going to fill that role any longer. If it’s true that the US is

Nah - it’s a combination of undercover establishment Repubs who want to take Trump down, and the sort of horrible people Trump hires (narcissistic self-promoting sociopaths who will do anything for attention) who are doing it. I think the establishment Republican end of things have been being extraordinarily careful

That’s a pretty good analogy. But I do think a lot of people thought it was real for quite awhile, and a lot of people still do.

Trudeau’s mom (who is a very cool lady) has bipolar disorder that wasn’t treated for a very long time. She’s spoken publicly about having “lost her mind” and her behavior when Trudeau was young showed a, likely resultant, lack of impulse control. He’s familiar with crazy.

Bannon is more a greyish-pink, but yes.

I stopped reading that account after their reports of the Trudeau visit, which were very obviously made up. They were quoting Trudeau as shit-talking Trump, which he would absolutely not have done, in English or French, within earshot of any White House staffers. I have no doubt it happened later, around his own

Except, much as Trump huffs and puffs, almost nothing that’s getting leaked, particularly by low-level White House staffers, is classified. Unflattering stuff like that Trump has no attention span, watches TV, and won’t climb a set of stairs? Sure. Typo-riddled drafts of poorly thought out executive orders? Yes.

If his staff are leaking like crazy to the media, it provides some context for why the White House press pool still bothers showing up to the building. From day one, literally all they have ever got from his press briefings are lies and insults shouted at them.

That’s why he’s so dismissive of people who aren’t stick thin: he’s not that great of a designer. Anyone can design something that looks good hanging on a rack (or off an emaciated teenager), not so many people can design an attractive 3-dimensional garment that can accommodate an adult woman’s body.

I was a prudish little kid and hated the boobage, but I can absolutely see how it would render the lingerie section of the Sears catalog suddenly obsolete for those seeking that sort of thing.

Very cool! Thank you for helping to make my after school time much more educational :)

Sounds fun - nice to see I accomplished something today, by way of inspiring alcohol-accompanied 80s nostalgia :)

I think the problem is they put these ego-drunk fashion designers in place who feel the need to “put their stamp” on Dior/Chanel/YSL/Vionnet/whatever, and the result is that instead of translating a well-defined aesthetic and approach to design and construction to the modern era, they create these grotesque fusions of

The thing I’ve never understood about constant, compulsive liars like Trump is the effort it must take. It looks exhausting to need to be constantly inventing random claims like this. Call me lazy, but I’ve always found it much easier to just describe reality.

Nice. I came of age in the age of moshing, so probably inadvisable we give that a try at any of our reunions, what with the inevitable bone thinning.

Pretty much.

Oh, it’s true. I teach college classes and have had students write auto-biographies, and these kids who had servants and nannies and horses and went to elite private schools that cost $50K tuition per year consider themselves to be “upper middle class.” And that sense is often upheld by the way rich people segregate

We never had cable - I’m pretty sure I watched FT after getting home from school, on CBC I think.

Now playing

That song remains my obsession (ba-dum-tiss).

When I was in elementary school I was a loyal viewer of the show Fashion Television. And I remember I had this visceral hatred of Lagerfeld, who I thought was a pretentious twat. Which, with hindsight, is sort of an hilarious thing for a 9 year old to even have an opinion about.

Does my memory serve me that his