
Yes, and no. There are still procedures in place that I’m not sure he can avoid, because the military and intelligence communities aren’t just going to stop following them, or abandon their chain of command just because Trump doesn’t like it. Like, when there are middle-of-the-night calls to the situation room in the

Now that he has managed to separate Ivanka from the rest of the family and has her all to himself in DC, the idea that he won’t speak to his other children for four years is more believable.

I like the dancing, but the narration reminds me a bit too much of the times I’ve spend with smug art students who like to get high and explain how gifted and special they are. I definitely have entered the eyerolling, “okay, kids” part of adulthood, “get off my lawn” is clearly not far off.

I used to share an office with a woman during grad school and she would frequently make reference to her parents sending her money, paying for this and that.... I had a hard time being friends with her, because it was always about going out for dinner and drinks and things I couldn’t afford to do regularly, and she

Yup. And what with his immortality-seeking drinking the blood of virgins healthcare routine, that could be a hella long lifetime appointment.

I’m wondering if he continues to claim he has no financial interests in Russia, or debts there, which is obviously untrue, if someone at the IRS will eventually say fuck it and leak his returns to show how much he’s lying about. Every time i think the Trump situation can’t get any crazier, it does.

I would be astonished if he’s still alive in four years. Even when you are expecting your VP to do most of the job for you, the presidency is an incredibly physically demanding position. And he is not a healthy guy. People forget that Alzheimers is not solely a mental illness - when the brain is attacked, it causes

I’m pretty sure he was talking about Thiel being on his shortlist of Supreme Court nominees. Wish I was kidding.

Yet he took a question from Breitbart at the presser.

I’m not so sure - the Trump fans will only read insane sources like Breitbart and even less credible websites. The more Trump says that sources like the New York Times are “fake” and “biased” the more their circulation numbers have gone up. Like Vanity Fair advertising itself as the magazine Trump doesn’t want you to

Oh man. We should probably stop using half of the place names in North America, too, and replace them with European words. Would that be more or less appropriative?

I wonder when people like Conway are going to start getting sick of Trump repeatedly throwing them under the bus and making them look like idiots? Embarrassing or no, once any other serious politician knew this report was out there and being seen by a bunch of different people, he would at least warn his top-level

I have serious doubts that Melania will ever sleep in the White House. Even inauguration night I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find that, at the end of the night, she schlepped into a jet and flew back to Manhattan. She is having no more to do with this whole Trump as president mess than is contractually obligated.

Back when I was a kid they used to show softcore porn movies on TV after midnight, and it’s clear Tom Barrack got his talking points from the weird euphemistic “plot descriptions” of those movies that appeared in the weekly local TV listings.

That’s definitely part of it, but I don’t think it can completely explain callout culture. I mean, I’m very far left, and have been for a very long time, but I can also recognize the value of trying to give people the benefit of the doubt and try to see things from their perspective when those people clearly want to

I’m in my late 30s and used to be a very involved activist in the 90s and had to step away for awhile because I became far too burned out. I thought about trying to get involved again, and then interacted with some young activists when teaching at a university, and I couldn’t handle the amount of vocabulary/thought

Zero scientific evidence of links between vaccines and autism.

It definitely works with a certain subset of ridiculous people. Like the ones who threaten to sue you because a hotel is sold out for the night they want, or you can’t guarantee a microwave in their room. You laugh at those ridiculous people and ask, “has that ever worked?” and they’ll usually move on realizing the

So... people from former and current Commonwealth countries? When are you guys going to get over the farcical “hubric flaw” that is the imperial measurement system?

Confirmed that laughing at a true, unapologetic asshole is far more effective than anything else you can do. You can’t reason with them, you can’t change them, but you can get under their skin by demonstrating that they are ridiculous. I used to work doing reservations over the phone. I dealt with a lot of really