
My assumption is that the Republicans are leaving him be, and collecting receipts for the time being, and after inauguration if he turns out to not be controllable, they’ll start impeachment proceedings to replace him with much more manageable Pence. I think if they somehow managed to get rid of him prior to his being

I think that’s inevitable at this point. Since getting elected Trump, or people working on his behalf, have already committed at least one impeachable offense per day. When Pence is called to defend Trump when he does and says something completely insane, he gets this weird glazed look and his face gets this labored

It would be funny if it just ended up being a bunch of Givson Guitars signed by Jackie Evancho. Actually, that’s probably exactly what it will be.

I always wondered what the people who full-on buy into the totally over-the-top youtube and Instagram drag queen-style “makeup gurus” would look like in real life. And then one day at the grocery store I found out. My cashier was wearing more make-up than I’ve ever seen anyone wearing in my life, and I swear her fake

Seven Years in Tibet was a childhood favorite, so I reread it when I’m feeling down. It’s very adventurous. Even though the author is imprisoned as a POW for a decent-sized section of the book, it’s somehow not depressing because he spends the whole time scheming with clever escapes.

Yeah, my hometown is small and rural and not very wealthy, and has more domestic versus import dealerships, so there are a disproportionate number of old Grand Ams and Cavaliers on the road there. I didn’t realize how disproportionate until I moved away. Now I go to visit and marvel at how many people there drive

My partner’s ex-boss unilaterally declared Fridays dog day, so she and a coworker could bring their Shih Tzus to work. She didn’t bother to inquire about whether this was alright with everyone, for instance my allergic-to-dogs partner. And then the dogs weren’t even chill, well-behaved hang-under-the-desk dogs, but

Mother-in-law is a wonderful woman who has always been lovely to me, and I feel sorry a bit sorry for her that she’s stuck in this incredibly patriarchal version of Christianity, although she gives all appearances of being happy with her choices (although she visibly gets an intense amount of enjoyment when she sees

My sister had a cat like that, but his destructiveness continued into, and actually increased in, adulthood. Far more destructive than the Jack Russell, who only was like that as a puppy. Destructive or understimulated cats are no joke. A big part of the problem is most dogs want to please their owners, so if you put

Nope, it makes no sense to me, but as far as I can see they are a Baptist congregation who originally schismed from another, larger Baptist church due to an argument over scriptural interpretation, and I think people can only join their church if they share the same beliefs as the rest. I have no idea the specifics of

They’re Baptist and a small congregation that started as a splinter off of a larger local community Baptist church apparently over some difference in scriptural interpretation. I don’t know the specifics of how the whole thing goes down because, frankly, I avoid discussing religion with these people, and they mostly

In no way did I mean for my question to imply agreement with the law, or even a soft position on it because it might not negatively affect all trans people. Mostly I was curious because, quite obviously, the only intention of the bill is to harass and threaten trans and gender non-conforming people. So it struck me

Thanks for the response. It’s obvious the law is horrible, but I was wondering how effective it would even be at it’s intended purpose (of harassing and discriminating against trans and gender non-conforming people), if documents could be changed without disproportionate hassles. But it looks like updating birth

All small religious groups are cults. That’s the definition of a cult.

I don’t know the specifics, except that another article I read said that the incoming governor plans to sue to have these laws overturned. And I can’t imagine this is actually something that political parties can do, is it? Just legislatively salt the earth on the way out the door?

1976 AMC Gremlin coming up.

I used to do reservations for Marriott, so the Marriott Marquis brings back memories. Bad memories. But, at least when I worked for them, I’m pretty sure Marriott hotels renovate on a minimum 7 year cycle so they don’t get run down or too dated.

To me, that’s the most defining characteristic of the Jack Russell breed - their weird specificity and obsession with certain oddly specific things. Like I’ve known multiple Jack Russells who essentially trained themselves to do weird, useless tricks. Like one who would pretend to sneeze whenever someone said the word

My partner’s parents go to the sort of church where you essentially have to audition to be welcomed as a member of the church (not just anyone can go) and I’m pretty sure tithing is all-but required there. Like, maybe they might let the crazy quiverfulls who can’t even feed their kids not tithe...

My mom once added it up and when he was a puppy, our dog destroyed a thousand dollars worth of swimsuits (my sister and I were swimmers). And he only ate left shoes, which was pretty odd. He got plenty of other exercise beside his 2 hour walk on the paper route. He essentially tried to get people to play fetch or tug